Past Fellows Distinguished Speakers

Distinguished Speakers
Speaker Title Date
Shannon Walker, NASA Astronaut Living on the International Space Station March 2013
David Halperin, University of Michigan How to be Gay April 2013
Philip Sharp, Institute Professor, Nobel Laureate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Convergence: Biomedical Science in the 21st Century Nov. 2013
John Jones, U.S. District Judge Our Constitution's Intelligent Design Dec. 2013
Lawrence Wein, Stanford Univesity Data-Driven Operation Research Analyses in the Public Sector March 2014
Lynn Rosenthal, White House Advisor on Violence against Women
It's On Us: Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence on Campus
Nov. 2014
Jon Pittman, Vice President, Autodesk, Inc. Recapturing the Soul of Design Feb. 2015
Wallace Hopp, University of Michigan Patient Routing for Cost-Effective Care: Lessons from Emergency Medicine and Cardiac Surgery
March 2015
David Baltimore, Nobel Laureate, President Emeritus, California Institute of Technology
Genes and Medicine
May 2015
Louis Langrée, Director, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
Challenges and Rewards of a Conductor in the 21st Century Nov. 2015