Learning Communities

What are Learning Communities?

Learning Communities bring together diverse groups of students and faculty with shared academic interests to interact in two or more courses. Students in our Learning Communities are enrolled in a first-year experience class, led by a Peer Leader or Peer Facilitator. Students form close relationships, explore academic interests, build friendships, and achieve their academic goals, combining the intimacy of a small college with the benefits of a major university.

What Do Students Say about Learning Communities?

"Most of my Learning Community peers were in the same classes as me, so it gave me a chance to make friends quicker. We bonded like family, and it was probably one of my favorite experiences."

— Learning Communities Student

"My Learning Community allowed me to have an outlet to a second-year Peer Leader who has already gone through what I have, and she has helped me with struggles since the beginning of the year."

— Learning Communities Student

"[A Learning Community] helps you grow your network with other fellow students and also engage in fun activities. You get to know UC much better and the things/resources that are available for you."

— Learning Communities Student

How can I join a Learning Community?

Learning Communities are courses that students enroll in. To learn more about joining a Learning Community, talk with your academic advisor.

Do I have to be a first-year student to join a Learning Community?

Yes. Learning Communities are focused on the transition to college that is most applicable to first-year students, and it is exclusive to students in their first or second of college.

What is the difference between Peer Leaders and Peer Facilitators?

Peer Leader and Peer Facilitators perform very similar tasks. Both are responsible for leading a group of first-year students through their transition to UC. Peer Facilitators, however, collaborate with an instructor partner such as an academic advisor to help meet the needs of students. Where Peer Leaders are responsible for leading every class session, Peer Facilitators facilitate one day with an instructor partner and another on their own each week. 

How can I apply to be a Peer Leader/Facilitator?

Visit the Peer Leader/Facilitator Employment webpage to learn more about the positions.

Leverage the power of first-year experience, learning community, and peer mentorship programs to promote academic success and persistence in a certain subject area.

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