Cincinnati Law hosts program examining Ballot Issue 1 and Criminal Legal Reform

Join Professor Janet Moore, University of Cincinnati College of Law, and Stephen JohnsonGrove, Deputy Director for Policy at the Ohio Justice & Policy Center, for  “Popular Constitutionalism in Ohio: Ballot Issue 1 and Criminal Legal Reform” at 12:15 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 26, at the College of Law, Rm. 114. Adriatico’s pizza will be served.


Ballot Issue 1 is a proposed state constitutional amendment that is sparking heated debate across Ohio.  If passed by Ohio voters in November, the Ohio Neighborhood Safety, Drug Treatment, and Rehabilitation Amendment will:

  • reclassify non-violent, low-level drug possession offenses from felonies to misdemeanors
  • eliminate imprisonment for technical probation violations
  • provide up to 25% reduction in prison time for participation in rehabilitation programs; and
  • invest money saved from reduced prison usage in expanded treatment programs.


Advocates describe Issue 1 as necessary to reduce the state’s incarceration rates.  Opponents raise concerns about separation of powers issues and about risks of increased crime. Learn more about the issues and the community impact.


This event is co-sponsored by UC Law’s American Constitution Society and Criminal Law Society.



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