UC students explore academic and career options at Engineer Your Major

students pose for a picture at event.

Students pose for a photo at the Department of Engineering Education's Engineer Your Major. Photo/Corrie Stookey/CEAS Marketing.

Choosing a major is one of the biggest decisions for a college student. It’s also one of the most difficult. With 14 traditional bachelor’s degrees within University of Cincinnati’s College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS), it’s no wonder first-year students can sometimes feel overwhelmed. This year’s Engineer Your Major event looked to lift some of that burden.

The CEAS Department of Engineering Education hosted its second-annual Engineer Your Major, a day-long event open to all first-year students exploring options in the engineering field. The day consisted of sessions with industry professionals, faculty, alumni and advisors, all with the aim to shed light on all the possibilities within CEAS and the engineering field.

“We wanted to create an opportunity for first-year students to get more in-depth knowledge about the majors they’ve selected for themselves,” said CEAS senior academic advisor Corinne Cook, who planned the event. “The event should create opportunities for them to get a better sense of what is actually contained in the curriculum.”

Department “deep dives” allowed faculty to showcase different majors and graduates to present recent capstone projects. Industry panels, many composed of alumni, gave students an opportunity to visualize different career paths after graduation. Cooperative education (co-op) sessions connected students with faculty to learn the basics of the co-op process at UC and how to plan the best career strategy.

In addition to providing information resources, the event also encouraged students to make connections. Co-op faculty, industry representatives, academic advisors and students staffed tables to ensure that first-year students could ask questions in a more informal environment. 

students check in to event

Nearly 1400 students attended this year's Engineer Your Major event. Photo/Corrie Stookey/CEAS Marketing.

Nearly 1,400 first-year students attended the day, and 100 UC students, staff and faculty volunteered to make the event a success. First-year students enrolled in Engineering Design Thinking I were required to attend, but many students outside of the college also stopped by.

“We wanted to open this up beyond our college,” said Cook. “It was really important that the event remained accessible to not only the students that we claim as our own, but for the ones who want to get in.”

One of the biggest challenges for educators of first-year students is connecting the courses they’re taking to field as a whole. This can be difficult when student are required to take rigorous math and science courses their first year. The event, therefore, was designed partially to connect these students with the professional applications of their discipline.

Cultivating an engineering identity creates buy-in, it creates stake, it creates excitement and, more than anything, it creates resilience.

Corinne Cook UC senior academic advisor

“We wanted create opportunities for students to see what engineering is outside of a singular course,” said Cook. “Cultivating an engineering identity creates buy-in, it creates stake, it creates excitement and, more than anything, it creates resilience.”

Engineering is interdisciplinary, touching all aspects of our lives. Engineers apply innovation and imagination to some of the world’s greatest challenges. Engineer Your Major was a way for students to see beyond their first-year experience to the real impacts they can have as engineers.

“Engineer Your Major lets students see the flexibility of the field and takes away the pressure of making a ‘right’ choice,” said Cook. “The idea of engineering a major is about crafting a professional identity that eventually leads to a dream job. That all starts with students knowing enough about the major to know what that dream job could possibly be.”

Featured image at top: An industry representative shared his experience to a group of students at one of the Engineer Your Major sessions. Photo/Corrie Stookey/CEAS Marketing.

Engineer Your Major

Interested in exploring majors within UC's College of Engineering and Applied Science? Visit the college's website, or explore transfer and transition opportunities at UC's Center for Pathways Advising and Student Sucess

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