UC College of Law Ohio bar results announced

University of Cincinnati College of Law welcomes new attorneys to practice, with 79 percent of first-time takers passing the July 2018 Ohio Bar Exam. The college’s overall passage rate was 75 percent, exceeding the state-wide average of 69.9 percent. Results of the exam were reported October 26, 2018 by the Supreme Court of Ohio.   

 “It is my pleasure to congratulate our Cincinnati Law graduates who successfully passed the bar,” said Verna Williams, interim dean and Nippert Professor of Law. “We, along with your family and friends, are so proud of you and what you have accomplished. Your hard work, studying and determination shined through. Good luck as you move forward with your career.”  

Dean Williams will deliver the Law Dean address on Tuesday, Nov. 13, at the special public session of the Supreme Court of Ohio.  During that ceremony, applicants who successfully passed the examination and satisfied all of the Supreme Court’s other requirements for admission will be sworn into the bar.  This event will take place at the historic Palace Theatre in Columbus, OH. 

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