Appalling times of violence

President Pinto issues statement on recent days of heartbreaking violence

Dear UC Community,

Recent days have presented us with shocking and savage reminders that we can never assume that prejudice, hate and horrific violence do not exist in our society. 

On Saturday during Sabbath Day at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, a gunman killed 11 people and injured six more in that sacred place of worship. His anti-Semitic threats on social media show that he targeted the victims because of their religious beliefs. Prior to that, a white man killed a woman and a man, both African American, at a Kroger in Kentucky. The suspect reportedly told a bystander that “whites don’t kill whites.” Witnesses say he also tried to enter a predominantly African American church minutes before the shooting at the grocery store. And last week a bomber mailed explosive devices to several prominent leaders and organizations whom he vilified on social media for their world views and political affiliations. The suspect fortunately was apprehended before any bombs detonated.

For me, it is heartbreaking to see not only the presence of hate, but also the absence of humanity revealed in these despicable acts. Our deeply felt condolences go out to the family and friends of those who have lost their lives and suffered injury. 

It has been an agonizing time of terror and violence not just for the communities affected, but also for our entire nation. That the cornerstones of our identity and democracy — race, religion and politics — have been targeted in such vicious ways is appalling. Yet the root causes of these injustices reside within our communities, not outside of them. Prejudice, hate, isolation and extremism are realities we cannot ignore or underestimate. They require an answer from each and all of us — more open hearts and fewer closed minds, more “us” rather than “others,” and above all, empathy over objectification.      

If you need help coping with these events, our campus has resources to help:

• For students, Counseling & Psychological Services offers a 24-Hour Crisis Helpline at (513) 556- 0648.

• For faculty and staff, IMPACT Employee Assistance and Work/Life Program offers a 24-Hour Helpline at (800) 227-6007.

Our campus community also is invited to show our solidarity against violence by joining in a Havdalah Memorial Vigil at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, November 3, at 2615 Clifton Avenue, hosted by Cincinnati Hillel and co-sponsored by several UC organizations in memory of the lives lost at the Tree of Life congregation.

The greatest path to healing is to stand up and say “enough” through our own peaceful and life-loving actions. In our daily lives, each of us must become ambassadors for our democratic values and ideals, and live them into action. Show each other and the world that #WeChooseLove, that we are all members of the same human family, and we are called to be #StrongerThanHate.


Neville Pinto






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