Faculty: Apply for professional development funds

The Office of the Provost is awarding up to $100,000 in professional development funds to improve the quality of faculty engagement in teaching, research, service and leadership

Universal Provider Award 


Universal Providers are university-established initiatives, centers, or agencies including, but not limited to, Instructional Research and Computing (IRC), the Center for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning (CETL), the University of Cincinnati Libraries, or centers at branch campuses. Providers who have not been funded this fiscal year will receive priority consideration. Academic units, departments, or divisions are not considered Universal Providers.

Application Materials:

Proposals are due by March 1, 2019 and must include the following information as a single Word or PDF file:

  • A narrative that provides a brief background statement, a summary of the proposed activity, the anticipated products or outcomes of the activity, an overview of the beneficiaries, and an explanation of the benefits and anticipated impact of the proposed activity (1750 word maximum);
  • A 1-page timeline;
  • A 1-page budget outline with justifications
    • Please note: funds allocated under this Article cannot be used for the regular fiscal operating budget or salaries.

Submission and Review Process:
Administrators in the Office of the Provost will review applications and select recipients. Submit inquires to Keisha Love, associate provost for faculty development and special initiatives, at Keisha.Love@uc.edu.

Additional Contacts

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