CCM names accomplished alum Matthew Tibbs assistant professor of sound design

Tibbs is a sound designer with experience in live performance, film and advertising

CCM Dean Stanley E. Romanstein has announced the appointment of Matthew Tibbs to the position of Assistant Professor of Sound Design at CCM. Tibbs joined CCM’s faculty on a visiting basis in 2018. His new appointment will begin on Aug. 15, 2019.

A photograph of CCM alum and faculty member Matthew Tibbs.

Assistant Professor of Sound Design Matthew Tibbs.

A sound designer with experience in live performance, film and advertising, Tibbs’ 100+ sound designs have been seen on stages nationally, including in New York City, Washington D.C., Chicago, Illinois, Cincinnati, Salt Lake City, Utah and Portland, Oregon. His film work has been seen at national and international film festivals and his advertising work has been distributed on the West Coast in local and regional TV markets.

Tibbs’ theatrical sound design has been featured at Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati, Indiana Repertory Theatre, Salt Lake City’s Pioneer Theatre Company, the Clarence Brown Theatre at the University of Tennessee, New York City’s Fresh Fruit Festival and Utah Shakespeare Festival. He also designed for the Great River Shakespeare Festival in Minnesota for six years.

An experienced educator, Tibbs previously served on the faculty of Ball State University’s Department of Theatre and Dance. Prior to his time at Ball State, he spent three years as Resident Sound Designer for the Pioneer Theatre Company and served as an adjunct faculty member at the University of Utah. He has also taught as visiting faculty at Pacific University and as a graduate assistant at CCM.

Tibbs is a member of the designers’ union United Scenic Artists Local 829 and serves as a co-secretary for the Theatrical Sound Designers and Composers Association (TSDCA).

He holds an MFA in Sound Design from CCM (2007) and a BA in Communication Arts from George Fox University (2004).

Dean Romanstein thanked search committee members Steve Miller (co-chair), Denton Yockey (co-chair), Ray DobsonRichard HessQi Jiang and Michele Kay for their work on finding CCM’s new Assistant Professor of Sound Design.


Featured image at top: Photo/Jay Yocis/UC Creative Services

Additional Contacts

Rebecca Butts | Assistant Public Information Officer

| 513-556-2675

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