Cincinnati Magazine: Cincinnati opera tells the powerful story of Ohio Innocence Project

Cincinnati Magazine spotlights the upcoming world premiere of the opera "Blind Injustice," which tells the stories of six people who were tried, convicted, imprisoned, then ultimately freed by UC’s Ohio Innocence Project

Cincinnati Magazine features the opera "Blind Injustice" in its July edition.  The innovative production features the remarkably true stories of just six of the 28 people freed by the work of the Ohio Innocence Project at the University of Cincinnati.

The sold-out performances, which open July 22 at Cincinnati Music Hall’s Wilks Studio, are a collaboration between the OIP, Cincinnati Opera, the Young Professionals Choral Collective (YPCC) and the UC College-Conservatory of Music opera department. The work is based on casework by the OIP and the book “Blind Injustice” by UC law professor and OIP Director Mark Godsey, as well as interviews with the six exonerees. The production features a small cast, chorus composed of YPCC members and a 12-piece orchestra.

Read the Cincinnati Magazine story here and listen to a podcast in which writer Carrie Blackmore Smith discusses the story here.

Feature image at top: Nancy Smith served 15 years in prison before being freed in 2009 with the help of the Ohio Innocence Project at the UC College of Law. Read more in the April edition of UC Magazine. photo/Lisa Ventre/UC Creative Services

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