UC College of Allied Health Sciences hosts ASAHP conference

The University of Cincinnati (UC) College of Allied Health Sciences (CAHS) hosted the Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions (ASAHP) Midwest Deans’ Summer Summit July 11-12, 2019. Deans from 30 schools of allied health professions in the Midwest attended the two-day conference with sessions held at the new Health Sciences Building (HSB), home to CAHS.

This was the fourth annual summit for the Midwest Deans group of ASAHP, and Tina Whalen, EdD, dean of CAHS, offered to host this year’s group in the new building. “It is a great opportunity to showcase our physical buildings and campuses as well as the many positive things we have going on in our respective college and university.”

The event opened with a welcome from Kristi Nelson, PhD, UC executive vice president and provost, and included an introduction to UC’s Academic Health Center from Denise Gormley, PhD, professor and interim senior associate dean for academic affairs in the College of Nursing, and Neil MacKinnon, PhD, dean of the James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy. Several panel discussions were held and a tour of the HSB was another highlight of the day. The second day featured a tour of the new UC Gardner Neuroscience Institute outpatient facility.

Whalen says the summer summits are held to address issues and challenges the deans are facing. The host puts out a call for topics from the members and then uses that information to create the agenda. Some of the topics discussed included enrollment management strategies, interprofessional education and budget management strategies.

“We learn so much from each other at these meetings and it serves to make us all better at running our respective colleges despite the fact we come from many different types of institutions,” Whalen says. “It is hugely beneficial.” 

Featured image at top: Attendees to the ASAHP Midwest Deans' Summer Summit on the steps in the Health Sciences Building. Photo: Kaitlyn Mullins, College of Allied Health Sciences 

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