New buildings, changes for UC's fall semester

University of Cincinnati's state-of-the-art campus enhancement brings changes to both East and West campuses in 2019

As UC anticipates another successful academic school year, students, faculty and staff will see new college buildings, traffic pattern changes and temporary departmental moves. 

Changes include moves into both UC’s old and new Carl H. Lindner College of Business (LCOB) buildings, a French Hall West departmental relocation, new vehicle access around the new LCOB and the opening of the new Health Sciences building on East Campus.

Aerial view of UC's new Carl H. Lindner College of Business showing its green roof.

Aerial view of the new Gold LEED certified Carl H. Lindner College of Business with its new state-of-the-art green roof illustrates new vehicle traffic access only along north side of building.

Temporary campus moves

  • UC’s old Lindner College of Business building has been renamed 2925 Campus Green Drive and has become swing space for the occupants in French Hall West until the heating, ventilation and air conditioning renovation of their building is completed in the fall of 2020. French Hall West departments include: mathematics; Judiac Studies; Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; Arts and Sciences Academic Advisors and the Learning Commons.  

Permanent campus changes

Map of UC's West Campus near the new Carl H. Lindner College of Business

One-way traffic access around new LCOB (marked in yellow) eventually exits onto Martin Luther King Drive.

  • Vehicle and shuttle access to UC’s Engineering Research Center, Campus Recreation Center, Rhodes Hall, Steger and Nippert for pickup and drop-off is no longer permitted. Shuttle, bus and personal vehicles will continue to use a portion of Woodside Drive between the Woodside and Campus Green garages, but traffic will immediately turn left and travel one way past the new LCOB, old LCOB (now 2925 Campus Green Drive) and out onto Martin Luther King Drive. Only emergency vehicles and dock access will be permitted to continue down Woodside Drive onto MainStreet. This new north section of MainStreet is a permanent and shared path for pedestrians. Appropriate signage has been posted.

  • While UC business students will begin classes in the new Carl H. Lindner College of Business building on the first day of the 2019 fall semester, the official building celebration is scheduled for Sept. 19.

  • UC’s new Health Sciences building on Eden Avenue next to UC’s College of Pharmacy will be open for Allied Health Sciences students on the first day of fall classes, but the official celebration is on Sept. 12.

  • 2925 Campus Green Drive (old LCOB) will become the future home of UC’s College of Law in the fall of 2022. Design and construction teams have been selected and the project is in the very early stages of design. Construction will begin in 2020 after French Hall West renovation is complete and departments have moved back in.
UC's new Carl H. Lindner College of Business on left and Langsam Library on right.

Signs posted at the end of Woodside Drive near the new Carl H. Lindner College of Business (on left) instruct traffic to turn left. Access at this point on to MainStreet North is for pedestrians only.

This fall, college and departmental officials will be available across campus to assist with the changes. UC's Office of Planning + Design + Construction, Environmental Health and Safety and University of Cincinnati Public Safety are available to answer campus logistics questions for all students, faculty and staff.

Stay tuned, as UC's Office of Planning + Design + Construction will periodically release campus construction information related to logistics changes.

For more information, contact UC's Office of Planning + Design + Construction or (513) 556-1933 with any questions or concerns.


Featured image at top: UC's new Carl H. Lindner College of Business during final phase of construction. photo/Joseph Fuqua II/UC Creative Services

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