Five truths about college life

Meet people who will become your BFFs. Get involved in activities that will shape your future. Learn what it’s like to really live on your own. Yep, college has the potential to be pretty incredible – but, like all good things, you’ll have to put in some effort to get the most out of it. Here’s a list of five truths about campus life: 

  1. You’ll feel uncomfortable, and that’s a good thing. After all, you’re coming to college to grow. Sometimes, that means you’ll be with unfamiliar people, doing unfamiliar things, eating unfamiliar food and feeling unfamiliar emotions. Roll with it. Getting out of your comfort zone is the first step to becoming all you can be.
  2. Great roommate relationships happen, but not by magic. Any good relationship takes work, and you’ve got a much better chance of making your roomie your bestie when you communicate openly and honestly. Don’t put off talking about the little things — a small disagreement about whose turn it is to do the dishes can erupt into an upsetting confrontation if left unsaid for too long.
  3. The only person kicking you in the butt will be you. Having the freedom to do what you want, when you want, and with whom you want is one of the best things about college. It’s also one of the hardest. Want to prepare for an essay all afternoon, or settle in for a midweek Netflix binge? Your call, but don’t expect your parents or professors to step in to keep your life on track. College is a test in time management and you — and only you — will benefit from your good decisions.
  4. You’ll need “me time. With hundreds of clubs and organizations and opportunities for service and socializing, it’s easy to over-schedule. And while you absolutely should get involved, make sure you also carve some time into your jam-packed schedule for rest, eating well, and simply taking care of yourself.
  5. People will have your back, but only if you ask for help. It’s true: You’re going to have more on your shoulders than ever before. But there are resources to help you navigate choppy waters. Professors can help if you’re having trouble in class. Counselors can help if you’re having personal issues. In fact, most faculty and staff genuinely care and are happy to assist. You just have to let them know what you need.
Three roommates smile for the camera outside of their residence hall

And five things oh-so-Cincinnati:

  1. Need a lift? Just tap. Safety is a top priority at every college, but it’s even more front-and-center at an urban campus like UC’s. The NightRide program helps you stay safe with your smartphone by hooking you up with a free ride anywhere within a mile of campus after 8 p.m. Just open the NightRide app, tap your location and destination on a map, and wait for one of our vans to collect you.
  2. Get an international perspective, no passport necessary. There are about 200 countries on the planet, and UC students represent more than half of them. UC’s BEARchats program connects domestic and international students for regular conversation, providing an exchange experience without ever leaving Cincinnati.
  3. Passion and purpose, supersized. Go ahead, spend a day with each student group at UC. We’ll see you in a year and a half – there are more than 600. And although there’s a limit to how many you can explore, don’t be afraid to dive in. If you’re not sure a particular group is right for you, give it a shot anyway. Keeping a ‘Why not one meeting?’ attitude may lead you to a new, unexpected passion.
  4. First in your family to go to college? Join the club. UC’s residence for first-generation college students, the Gen-1 Theme House, is the first of its kind in the country. So when you encounter questions and challenges about how to navigate college life, you’ll find the resources to stay on track right at your door — and a whole group of ready-made friends living nearby.
  5. Experience changes everything. UC invented cooperative education in 1906 and we've never stopped re-inventing it. Today, our "classroom" extends to nearly every corner of the globe — from internships at the city's Fortune 500 companies to trailblazing experiences in places like China, Tanzania and South America. That kind of "roll-up-your-sleeves" immersion means Cincinnati students graduate with a résumé, ready to make an impact on day one. 

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