Electrical engineering student is motivated to protect America

Katelyn Faber, the February Undergraduate Engineer of the Month, wants to work in defense sector

Katelyn Faber poses in engineering building

Katelyn Faber. Photos/Corrie Mayer/CEAS Marketing.

Katelyn Faber, an electrical engineering student, was named the February Undergraduate Engineer of the Month by the University of Cincinnati’s College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS)

Faber, who expects to graduate in May ’20, is a passionate advocate of UC and CEAS. She is an ambassador for the college and gives tours to prospective engineering students and their families. Faber views her education at UC as one of the valuable benefits to living in the United States – a freedom she said she doesn’t take for granted. She hopes to eventually work as an electrical engineer in the defense sector in the area of signal processing and wireless communications as a way of making an impact and protecting the country.

“There is so much opportunity in electrical engineering,” Faber said. “There are not many other professions where you can be on the cutting edge. Especially if you are looking to get into the defense sector, you have access to technologies that other people don’t. It’s crazy how much opportunity there is and how advanced things are becoming so fast – and it’s really cool to be a part of that.”

She spent three cooperative education (co-op) rotations with Honeywell Intelligrated, where she developed electrical schematic designs for conveyor systems used in warehouses for such companies as Amazon, Walmart and TJ Maxx. She had the opportunity to travel to different job sites across the country to test and troubleshoot electrical systems. 

Faber was intrigued by UC’s International Co-op program and decided to spend the rest of her co-op rotations in Japan with Omron where she worked on brain signal analysis research. She was nervous moving to Japan – she had never traveled outside of the U.S. before – but she said she is glad she took the leap, as it proved to be a positive personal and educational growth experience.

The integrated co-op program is a top reason Faber chose UC.

“You get to establish a network with employers and you get a lot of experience before you even graduate college, so it kind of gives you a step above other students as you are looking for jobs in the field,” Faber said.  

Engineers rely heavily on their abilities in math and science. Faber said she was actually better in language arts and history in high school, but she was determined to advance her math and science skills and become an engineer. As a high school student, she used to get to school 90 minutes early just to squeeze in some extra time studying physics or calculus. 

When she came to UC, Faber continued to demonstrate that commitment by putting in countless hours of studying in order to excel in the engineering curriculum. 

“Everybody is really smart in the engineering program and I would say I am more of a hard worker than just naturally smart,” Faber said. “Even if you are not as naturally bright as some students, if you put in the hard work and effort you are able to be successful.” 

Faber is the president of UC’s IEEE student group, is actively involved with H2O Campus Ministry, has won a CEAS alumni scholarship, and has volunteered with Matthew 25 Ministries. She spent one spring break on a mission trip to rebuild hurricane-damaged homes in Houston and taught English to her Japanese colleagues. She has served as a student peer leader and worked as a teaching assistant for the engineering foundations course.

Faber has an internship lined up with Northrop Grumman for this summer following graduation and she is applying to master’s programs to continue her education in the fall. 

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