Celebrate year three with Tobacco Free UC

UC is tobacco, smoke and vape free. Cessation resources are available to students, faculty and staff

How you can support Tobacco Free UC 

Join Tobacco Free UC as the Tobacco Free policy will be celebrating its third anniversary. 

What is the Tobacco Free policy?

As a friendly reminder, this policy applies to the entire UC community, including but not limited to: students, employees, volunteers, vendors, visitors and contractors who are on property and facilities owned or operated by UC, including parking garages. Tobacco is defined as all tobacco-derived or tobacco-containing products including, but not limited to, cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, vaporizing devices, cigars and cigarillos, hookah smoked products, pipes, oral tobacco and nasal tobacco. It also includes any product intended to mimic tobacco products, contain tobacco flavoring or the smoking of any other substance which delivers nicotine.

Ways you can support Tobacco Free UC

  • Remind your teams and areas about the policy and resources. Reach out to Tobacco Free UC at tobaccofree@uc.edu for informational handouts, resource guides and marketing materials.
  • Report hot spots. Tobacco use that is still occurring on campus is often localized in certain areas (hot spots). If you notice an area of concern, you can report the activity to the Tobacco Free UC Steering Committee at tobaccofree@uc.edu. Additional signage may be added to those locations where tobacco use is reported to still be an issue.
  • Be respectful of the policy and remind others that tobacco use and vaping are not allowed on campus. Consider what having a tobacco-free campus means. If you use tobacco or vape, please show your respect for our community by not smoking or vaping on (or closely nearby) campus. Smoking/vaping on sidewalks or across the street is clearly not in the “spirit” of the policy. Openly smoking/vaping in these areas sends a message of disrespect to fellow faculty, staff and students in the UC community.
  • Check out the annual report. The information provided in this summary is to inform our university campuses and communities of our efforts and our status related to this initiative, including programming, marketing, environmental scans, cessation resource utilization and online analytics. To view the annual report, visit Tobacco Free UC.  
  • Use #tobaccofreeuc on your social media. Share why you support clean air and health of yourself and fellow Bearcats.

Want to quit? Don't do it alone!

Tobacco Free UC offers different cessation resources to help support students, faculty and staff members who are interested in quitting and even reducing their use. Reach out to tobaccofree@uc.edu for help navigating what resources may work best for you.

Available to all UC faculty, staff and students:

  • QuitLogix – A quit line service utilizing 5 sessions of telephonic health coaching with nicotine replacement therapy and/or online resources. Call 855-372-0046 or visit http://bit.ly/quitlogix to get started.
  • Freshstart® sessions – Designed by the American Cancer Society to help participants plan a successful quit attempt. One on one and group sessions are available. Open to the UC Community (faculty, staff and students), and loved ones are welcome to join for any session.

Faculty and Staff Specific Resources:

  • Impact Solutions – UC’s Employee Assistance Program provides an online “Quit Center” to develop a personal quit plan and/or five free telephonic sessions with a Quit Specialist. Call 1-800-227-6007 or visit http://bit.ly/ImpactEAP to get started.
  • Anthem Medical Plan – If you are enrolled in this health plan, there is the 24/7 Nurse Line, Healthy Lifestyles Online program, and Nicotine Replacement Therapy available. Call the 24/7 Nurse Line at 888-249-3820. Log into your Anthem account to access the Healthy Lifestyles program for tools and resources to help with behavior change.
  • Be Well UC – UC’s employee wellness program offers points and incentives for completing and/or attending tobacco cessation sessions. All who are actively employed and enrolled in the UC Anthem medical plan are eligible for incentives. Reach out to Molly Pierani, the Wellness Coordinator, at molly.pierani@uc.edu for additional information, referrals and resources.

Student Specific Resources:

  • Student Wellness Center – A UC office that provides health education programming and resources, as well as cessation classes. Reach out to Sarah Blanton, the Program Manager, at sarah.blanton@uc.edu for additional information, referrals and resources.
  • University Health Services – An on-campus health care office located on the third floor of the Lindner Center for registered students. Students interested in Nicotine Replacement Therapy can learn more from the UHS Pharmacy by calling 513-558-7333.
  • Counseling and Psychological Services – A UC office that provides counseling services, information and support for students. Call 513-556-0648 for more details.


Reach out to Tobacco Free UC at tobaccofree@uc.edu

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