International Business Times: Scientists Find Harmless Strain of E.Coli Bacteria Provides Protection Against its Lethal Cousin

UC researchers hope to find a treatment for Hamburger E.coli

A new study by researchers from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine offers evidence that a harmless strain of E.coli bacteria may offer protection from a lethal one. According to the study, Nissle—a strain of E.Coli that is used as a probiotic was found to protect human intestinal organoids (HIOs) from a pathogenic strain known as enterohemorrhagic E. coli or more commonly as hamburger E.coli.  Alison Weiss, PhD, professor, and Suman Pradhan, PhD, research associate, both in the UC Department of Molecular Genetics, Biochemistry and Microbiology were authors of the study. 

Read the full interview in International Business Times

Learn more about the research of Dr. Weiss and Dr. Pradhan.

Other media also covered the research findings and they include:

Medical News Today

Study Finds

Science Times

Featured photo of hamburgers courtesy of Unsplash.

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