UC Clermont team brings online lectures to life

Student-developed product would offer real-time interaction for virtual classes

student smiling at camera

Isaiah Dicristoforo

As COVID-19 moved college classrooms online last spring, UC Clermont College student and Batavia resident Isaiah Dicristoforo saw an opportunity.

“Through my own experience, I saw disconnect between students and teachers in the online environment,” said Dicristoforo, a second-year information technology major. “Research confirmed it: In synchronous lecture, it’s hard for instructors to gauge student involvement.”

Working with UC Clermont IT Professor Bill Nicholson, Dicristoforo set out to create something that would increase student engagement in online college lectures. The team designed The Portable Classroom, an add-on product that acts as a supplement to video collaboration platforms — such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Webex — and simulates a live classroom. Instructors can push content and assignments to students in real time, and provide live feedback to students via polls and tests.

“These tools help instructors know that students are grasping concepts in a lecture,” Dicristoforo said.

As the team’s idea took shape, Nicholson encouraged Dicristoforo to submit the project to the University of Cincinnati’s Venture Lab, which helps curate startup opportunities that attract outside entrepreneurial talent and investors. The lab is part of UC’s 1819 Innovation Hub, an innovative place where corporate and community partners access UC talent, and the nerve center of the Cincinnati Innovation District.

It was great getting to work with local entrepreneurs who had built a company before and were familiar with the process

Isaiah Dicristoforo UC Clermont student and entrepreneur

Once accepted, the UC Clermont team met with the lab’s entrepreneur-in-residence each week to further develop the product.

“It was great getting to work with local entrepreneurs who had built a company before and were familiar with the process,” Dicristoforo said. “It helped cultivate our idea and provided great feedback on the product.”

Dicristoforo and Nicholson presented The Portable Classroom to potential investors in September and are currently awaiting feedback. An investor would help the team further develop the product, which they plan to market to colleges and other post-secondary institutions. Going forward, they hope to continue discussions with educators and potential customers about the idea, as well as perform extensive market research.

“The Venture Lab offers a terrific opportunity to introduce students to entrepreneurship,” said Nicholson. “It was great to work with Isaiah and learn more about how a concept becomes a product.”

In December, Dicristoforo will graduate with his associate degree and plans to transition to UC’s Uptown Campus to earn a bachelor’s degree in information technology with a focus on software development. He says his time at UC Clermont has prepared him well for whatever comes next — and that the campus acted as fertile ground for new ideas.

“UCC is a very supportive environment with a lot of resources, professors, students and small classes; it's been a great community to be a part of,” said Dicristoforo, who encourages other students not to be afraid to be innovative. “If you have an idea or a concept, it might be something to turn into business or develop further with your teachers. Be engaged in your learning.”

Learn more about UC Clermont’s information technology program

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