'Tis the season! Or is it? We asked COVID-19 experts: 'Would you do this, doc?'

UC expert weighs in on family activities during the holidays

The upcoming holiday season will be unlike any other we have ever seen, given the restrictions made necessary by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many holiday traditions such as office parties, visits with Santa and Black Friday shopping will be difficult, if not impossible. consulted with three local infectious disease experts to see what they would do in certain situations. 

head shot of a woman doctor in a lab coat smiling

Jennifer Forrester, MD, of the Division of Infectious Diseases at the UC College of Medicine. Photo/Colleen Kelley/UC Creative + Brand

On the question of whether or not it's a good idea to attend holiday shows and concerts, Jennifer Forrester, MD, of the UC College of Medicine Division of Infectious Diseases said, "No. With Ohio's COVID-19 cases skyrocketing, being in enclosed spaces for extended periods of time is not a good idea. It is important to know that speaking loudly or singing can actually make those potentially infected droplets go much farther than 6 feet, so plays and concerts can increase risk of transmission more than just talking."

She also recommended against visits to Santa, going to office parties, shopping at malls on Black Friday, going to Christmas Eve church services and flying to see relatives. She did however say with the proper precautions and social distancing, visiting friends and caroling could be done safely.

Read the entire story here

Lead image: Volodymyr Hryshchenko/Unsplash

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The University of Cincinnati is classified as a Research 1 institution by the Carnegie Commission and is ranked in the National Science Foundation's Top-35 public research universities. UC's medical, graduate and undergraduate students and faculty investigate problems and innovate solutions with real-world impact. Next Lives Here.

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