WLWT: Benefits of Vitamin D and COVID-19

UC cardiologist weighs in on the role vitamins might play in battling COVID-19

Doctors are looking at a link in COVID-19 and vitamin D.  Maybe one key to weakening COVID could be found in the sky or in your local pharmacist.  Patients like Brant Schultz has recovered from COVID-19 and is rebuilding his strength taking vitamin D daily. Schultz is a broadcaster at WLWT.  He said he had no real knowledge of vitamins until he had COVID.

Richard Becker, MD, director of the UC Heart, Lung and Vascular Institute and UC Health cardiologist, says vitamin D was used in 1920s battling rickets and researchers are testing it now in fighting COVID. Researchers say from 60 to 80 percent of those with severe COVID have a deficiency of vitamin D. Physicians are also looking at how Vitamin C and zinc might be helpful in fighting off COVID-19.

“Pretty much across the board the conclusion has been that each of those vitamins might reduce the duration of symptoms a viral illness,” explains Becker, who noted that dozens are studies are currently looking at whether Vitamin D changes the predisposition of COVID.

Listen to the full WLWT interview online.

Learn more about the research of Richard Becker, MD.

Featured image of Richard Becker, MD, shown in the UC College of Medicine. Photo courtesy of Andrew Highley. 

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