Business Courier: UC professors partner to create telehealth drone

Inventors from three colleges say drones will improve access to health care

The Cincinnati Business Courier highlighted research by three colleges at the University of Cincinnati to expand telehealth using unmanned aerial vehicles.

Inventors from the UC College of Nursing, the UC College of Engineering and Applied Science and the UC College of Allied Health Sciences teamed up on the pilot project designed to dispatch a semi-autonomous drone to a patient's home.

Still in development, the drone has cameras and a display screen so patients can talk to health care professionals from the comfort of their home. The prototype carries a waterproof box the size of a small first-aid kit to deliver medical supplies or collect self-administered lab tests.

Read the Business Courier story.

Featured image at top: Three colleges at the University of Cincinnati partnered on a project to develop a telehealth drone that health professionals can send to a patient's home. Pictured from left are the project's inventors: Professor Victoria Wangia-Anderson and Associate Professor Seung-Yeon Lee from the UC College of Allied Health Sciences, Director of Telehealth Debi Sampsel from the UC College of Nursing and Professor Manish Kumar from the UC College of Engineering and Applied Science. Photo/Joseph Fuqua/UC Creative + Brand

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