FOX News: UC grad walks across America for charity

Interdisciplinary studies grad is wrapping up 2,600-mile trek

Fox News talked to recent University of Cincinnati graduate Mark Dudek about his quest to cross the country on foot for charity.

Dudek, who graduated last year from UC's College of Arts and Sciences, is hoping to raise $10,000 through GoFundMe for Cincinnati nonprofit Inner City Youth Opportunities and the Autism Society of America. He plans to start graduate school at UC this summer to study physical therapy.

Dudek stopped to chat with Fox News in Phoenix before continuing his westward trek across Arizona.

Dudek said he's been averaging between 20 and 30 miles per day. He's documenting his quest on a podcast.

“I’m loving it,” Dudek said. “I’ve driven across the country but walking at 2 or 3 mph, you can see the landscape in a whole different way. You meet some fantastic people and see small towns.”

In his GoFundMe, Dudek said at UC he met local high school students who benefited from programs like those offered by ICYO Cincinnati. Likewise, Dudek said he worked with adults with autism on campus through UC's Impact Innovation, which provides vocational and educational opportunities at UC for people with autism.

"Through these experiences, I have come to realize that individuals with autism are the most positive and joyful people I have ever interacted with," Dudek said. "Personally, I take tremendous inspiration from their positivity and try to maintain this same attitude throughout all the ups and downs life has to offer."

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