Watch CCM piano majors perform in 3-part 'COVID Etude Project'

Now available for on-demand viewing, the three concerts feature works by Liszt, Debussy and Bolcom

UC’s College-Conservatory of Music presents three concert streams featuring piano students performing in CCM's Robert J. Werner Recital Hall and in other performance spaces throughout the world!

Presented in conjunction with the CCMONSTAGE Online series of concert streams, the COVID Etude Project showcases CCM students performing three complete sets of etudes by composers Franz Liszt, Claude Debussy and William Bolcom. Originally broadcast March 26-28, all three concerts are now available for on-demand viewing.

Watch each concert below. Each concert is also available on CCM’s website, YouTube channel and Facebook page.

“The COVID Etude Project is a joint-studio project of mine and Professor Ran Dank,” says CCM Associate Professor of Piano Soyeon Kate Lee. “It was conceived to keep our students motivated and create a sense of purpose and community during this unprecedented time.”

“Many of our students are overseas, some whom we have never met in-person, and we have tried to make the most of our time on Zoom together and build a studio community despite the circumstances.”

Seeing our students take up this challenge with so much energy, professionalism and positive spirit is so gratifying to see

CCM Associate Professor Soyeon Kate Lee

As explained by arts writer Janelle Gelfand in her preview of CCM's COVID Etude Project for the Cincinnati Business Courier: "Etudes are difficult studies for mastering a technical challenge, such as runs, leaps, octaves or arpeggios. They are also engaging musical works. Composers such as Chopin, Debussy, Liszt and Rachmaninoff wrote etudes meant for the concert hall."

The first installment features Liszt’s Transcendental Études, a 12-part piece published in 1852. The episode is roughly one hour long.

The second installment showcases Debussy’s Twelve Études, composed in 1915 and regarded as one of the more challenging works in the piano repertoire. The episode is approximately 50 minutes long.

The final installment covers Bolcom’s Twelve New Etudes written between 1977 and 1986. The episode is 45 minutes long.

After each premiere broadcast, all three installments of the COVID Etude Project will remain available for on-demand viewing on CCM’s websiteYouTube channel and Facebook page.

Students recorded one etude each wherever they were — some students performed in CCM’s Robert J. Werner Recital Hall, while others gave their performances at home or in piano showrooms near their residences.

“Seeing our students take up this challenge with so much energy, professionalism and positive spirit is so gratifying to see, and definitely has been one of the highlights for me at CCM,” said Lee.

CCM's COVID Etude Project is produced by Joel Crawford Recording and is made possible by generous support from Louis and Susan Meisel.

Learn more about CCM's upcoming video releases courtesy of Janelle Gelfand and the Cincinnati Business Courier.

Streaming Premiere

  • Liszt’s Transcendental Études: 7:30 p.m. EDT Friday, March 26, 2021
  • Debussy’s Twelve Études: 7:30 p.m. EDT Saturday, March 27, 2021
  • Bolcom’s Twelve New Etudes: 7:30 p.m. EDT Sunday, March 28, 2021

Performance Details

Performers and Repertoire

  • Liszt: Transcendental Études, No. 1, “Preludio”
    • Performed by Robert Brooks Carlson, Master of Music student
  • Liszt: Transcendental Études, No. 2, “Fusées”
    • Performed by Robert Brooks Carlson, Master of Music student
  • Liszt: Transcendental Études, No. 3, “Paysage”
    • Performed by Sooyeon Baik, Doctor of Musical Arts student
  • Liszt: Transcendental Études, No. 4, “Mazeppa”
    • Performed by Lywon Yeo, Artist Diploma student
  • Liszt: Transcendental Études, No. 5, “Feux Follets”
    • Performed by Wen Pan, Doctor of Musical Arts student
  • Liszt: Transcendental Études, No. 6, “Vision”
    • Performed by Jiwon Son, Artist Diploma student
  • Liszt: Transcendental Études, No. 7, “Eroica”
    • Performed by Mu-tien Lai, Master of Music student
  • Liszt: Transcendental Études, No. 8, “Wilde Jagd”
    • Performed by Tianmi Wu, Master of Music student
  • Liszt: Transcendental Études, No. 9, “Ricordanza”
    • Performed by Zhaoyi Long, Doctor of Musical Arts student
  • Liszt: Transcendental Études, No. 10 in F Minor
    • Performed by Gwangwon Park, Doctor of Musical Arts student
  • Liszt: Transcendental Études, No. 11, “Harmonies du soir”
    • Performed by Jeremy Ho, Doctor of Musical Arts student
  • Liszt: Transcendental Études, No. 12, “Chasse-neige”
    • Performed by Nicholas Ho, Doctor of Musical Arts student

Performers and Repertoire

  • Debussy: Twelve Études, No. 1, “Pour les cinq doigts” (d’après Monsieur Czerny)
    • Performed by Ye Qian, Bachelor of Music student
  • Debussy: Twelve Études, No. 2, “Pour les tierces”
    • Performed by Shaoming Yang, Master of Music student
  • Debussy: Twelve Études, No. 3, “Pour les quartes”
    • Performed by Chisato Fuji, Bachelor of Music student
  • Debussy: Twelve Études, No. 4, “Pour les sixtes”
    • Performed by Yiyue Su, Bachelor of Music student
  • Debussy: Twelve Études, No. 5, “Pour les octaves”
    • Performed by Anjun Zheng, Master of Music student
  • Debussy: Twelve Études, No. 6, “Pour les huit doigts”
    • Performed by Angela Pui-Yee Lau, Master of Music student
  • Debussy: Twelve Études, No. 7, “Pour les degrés chromatiques”
    • Performed by Dongqin Yu, Bachelor of Music student
  • Debussy: Twelve Études, No. 8, “Pour les agréments”
    • Performed by Yuyao Qu, Bachelor of Music student
  • Debussy: Twelve Études, No. 9, “Pour les notes répétées”
    • Performed by Helena Kim, Doctor of Musical Arts student
  • Debussy: Twelve Études, No. 10, “Pour les sonorités opposées"
    • Performed by Hyrum Arnesen, Doctor of Musical Arts student
  • Debussy: Twelve Études, No. 11, “Pour les arpèges composés"
    • Performed by Gavin Davis, Bachelor of Music student
  • Debussy: Twelve Études, No. 12, “Pour les accords”
    • Performed by Jiao Sun, Artist Diploma student

Performers and Repertoire

  • Bolcom: Twelve New Études – Book I, No. 1, “Fast, furious”
    • Performed by Stuart Zhang, Master of Music student
  • Bolcom: Twelve New Études – Book I, No. 2, “Récitatif”
    • Performed by Stuart Zhang, Master of Music student
  • Bolcom: Twelve New Études – Book I, No. 3, “Mirrors”
    • Performed by Seran Lee, Doctor of Musical Arts student
  • Bolcom: Twelve New Études – Book II, No. 4, “Scène d’opéra”
    • Performed by Catharine Baek, Bachelor of Music student
  • Bolcom: Twelve New Études – Book II, No. 5, “Butterflies, hummingbirds”
    • Performed by Ming-Li Liu, Master of Music student
  • Bolcom: Twelve New Études – Book II, No. 6, “Nocturne”
    • Performed by Joseph Vaz, Master of Music student
  • Bolcom: Twelve New Études – Book III, No. 7, “Premonitions”
    • Performed by PyeongAn Kim, Doctor of Musical Arts student
  • Bolcom: Twelve New Études – Book III, No. 8, “Rag infernal (Syncopes apocalyptiques)”
    • Performed by Yaoyue Huang, Doctor of Musical Arts student
  • Bolcom: Twelve New Études – Book III, No. 9, “Invention”
    • Performed by Yu-Chia Kuo, Master of Music student
  • Bolcom: Twelve New Études – Book IV, No. 10, “Vers le silence”
    • Performed by Ariadne Antipa, Doctor of Musical Arts student
  • Bolcom: Twelve New Études – Book IV, No. 11, “Hi-jinks”
    • Performed by Vikki Chen, Doctor of Musical Arts student
  • Bolcom: Twelve New Études – Book IV, No. 12, “Hymne á l’amour”
    • Performed by Scott Sherman, Doctor of Musical Arts student

CCM COVID Etude Project Directors
Ran Dank, Assistant Professor of Piano
Soyeon Kate Lee, Associate Professor of Piano

COVID Etude Project Produced By
Joel Crawford Recording

Keyboard Studies Division Head
Michelle Conda

Piano Technicians
Rebekah Whitacre
Eric Wolfley

Senior Director of Performance Operations
Rayburn Dobson

CCMONSTAGE Online Series Concept Developed and Managed by
Curt Whitacre 

CCM Digital Content Team
Kenneth D. Allen
Clarence M. Brown
Kevin Burke
Rebecca Butts
Rayburn Dobson
Mikki Graff
Melissa Neeley-Nicolini
Jeanne Rose
Simón Sotelo
Stephanie Temeles
Curt Whitacre 

Louise Dieterle Nippert Trust
Scholarship and Resident Artist Supporter
The Corbett Endowment at CCM
Dance Department Supporter
All-Steinway School Supporter
The Joseph and Frances Jones Poetker Fund of the Cambridge Charitable Foundation, Ritter & Randolph, LLC, Corporate Counsel
Visiting Artists & Thinking About Music Supporter
William L. Gasch Endowment Fund for Dance Excellence
CCM Dance Department Supporter
J. Brett Offenberger, MD and Mr. Douglas E. Duckett;
Dr. & Mrs. Carl G. Fischer 
Greg Mathein 
Jim & Linda Miller 
George & Caroll Roden
Musical Theatre Department Supporters AV Marketplace
Theater Design & Production Supporter
The Estate of Genevieve Smith
Opera Production Supporter
Bacchus Legacy Foundation
TAPAA Guest Director Supporter
Rafael and Kimberly de Acha
Opera D’Arte Supporter
Estate of Mrs. William A. Friedlander
Dr. Randolph L. Wadsworth
Judith Schonbach Landgren and Peter Landgren
Mr. & Mrs. Harry H. Santen
Elizabeth C.B. Sittenfeld
Elizabeth Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Stegman
Mrs. Theodore W. Striker
Mrs. Harry M. Hoffheimer
Ariel Quartet Supporters
Friedlander Family Fund
Karl Zipser
Chamber Music at CCM
Jan Rogers
Willard and Jean Mulford Charitable Fund of the Cambridge Charitable Foundation
Choral Studies Supporters
Classical Guitar Supporter
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Hirschhorn
Philharmonia Supporters
Dorothy Richard Starling Foundation
Starling Pre-Collegiate Supporter
Starling Strings Supporter
Dr. Timothy E. and Janet L. Johnson
Thom Miles and Roberta Gary
Organ Department Supporters
Keyboard Club of Cincinnati
L. Ried Schott
Piano Department Supporters
Kevin and Nancy Rhein
Wind Studies Supporters
Willis Music/ Buddy Rogers Music
LINKS Instrument Donation Supporter
Strader Fund of the Greter Cincinnati Foundation
CCM Innovation Supporter

Sponsors listed as of August 1, 2024

A preeminent institution for the performing and media arts, the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music offers nearly 120 possible majors, along with a wide variety of pre-collegiate and post-graduate programs.

The synergy created by housing CCM within a comprehensive public university gives the college its unique character and defines its objective: to educate and inspire the whole artist and scholar for positions on the world stage.

For more information, please visit us online at

Article Credit

Headshot of Alexandra Doyle

Alexandra Doyle

CCM Graduate Assistant , Marketing + Communications

Alexandra Doyle is a doctoral candidate studying clarinet performance at CCM. Alexandra’s master’s degree is also from CCM, and she holds bachelor’s degrees in clarinet performance and journalism from the University of Houston.

Featured image at top: one of CCM's Steinway pianos. Photo/UC Creative + Brand

Additional Contacts

Rebecca Butts | Assistant Public Information Officer

| 513-556-2675

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