Women of UC Alumnae Network hosts keynote to celebrate Women’s History Month

Women's History Month graphic

Event Information

Date: Wednesday, March 31 2021 12 PM ET/9 AM PT
Location: Virtual
Ticketing: Register to Attend

Maliha speaking with a man

If you would have told her back then she’d be where she is now, Maliha Zulfacar, PhD, DAAP ’72, wouldn’t have believed it. From being the first Afghan woman permitted to study alone in the U.S. to later having to flee her homeland as a young mother when the Soviets attacked in the 1970s, Zulfacar has spent decades taking life’s imperfections and making it to the other side. A celebrated author, documentarian and sociologist, Zulfacar wants to give us an intimate look at being comfortable with change and instability based on her own experiences. Moderated by Distinguished Research Professor of Art at DAAP, Flávia Bastos, PhD, help celebrate Women’s History Month with a story you won’t forget.

Register and learn more about the event online.

About the Women of UC Alumnae Network

Women of UC is a network of Bearcats united to advance the power of our female graduates. Together, we inspire each other to advance our personal and professional lives.

We plan experiences ranging from cocktails and conversation to taking deep dives on professional issues — a mix of work and play — all with the aim of bringing women together. Learn more.

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