UC’s summer semester offers students short sessions, flexibility

Students university-wide catch up on gen eds and more through A&S

Coming into the summer of 2020, Sumedha Kappagantula was considering ways to make the most her opportunities during what is usually a break from the academic rigor of her traditional school year.

As a biomedical engineering major at the University of Cincinnati, Kappagantula is minoring in chemistry and biological sciences, taking classes through the both the College of Engineering and Applied Science and the College of Arts and Sciences. She thought summer semester would be a great time to get ahead in her coursework, and move her degree forward.

UC student Sumedha Kappangantula is taking summer courses through A&S.

UC student Sumedha Kappangantula is taking summer courses through A&S.

“I wanted to be able to fit my biology and chemistry minors along with my engineering degree, and the extra time in summer allowed me to focus fully on those courses,” Kappangantula said.

A&S students choose to enroll in summer courses for a variety of reasons each year. Some, like Kappangantula, want to get ahead in their studies. Others have taken a semester off and want to catch up on credits. Still others like the flexibility that summer classes offer. During Maymester, for example, students can complete a full three credit hours in just one month, versus a full semester.

For third-year liberal arts major John Curley, summer class sizes were the draw. With a minor in Biological Sciences — one of the most popular majors in A&S — Curley was looking for classes with fewer students.

We were able to ... talk about the material in a way that is just not possible in a large lecture.

John Curley Biological Sciences student

“BIOL1082 typically has over 100 students. The summer class had about 40,” he says. “We were able to engage with the professor on a personal level, ask questions, and talk about the material in a way that is just not possible in a large lecture.”

Like Kappangantula, students from all colleges at UC take advantage of summer semester to catch up — and get ahead — on general education classes. Lindner College of Business student Azaria Blair took advantage of summer classes by enrolling in MATH1045 Applied Calc II, taught by Miriam Poteet, assistant professor of Mathematical Sciences.

“During office hours and times outside of class, Dr. Poteet individualizes her learning approach,” Blair said. “I was able to meet with her during office hours multiple times to receive further explanation on homework problems and share my thoughts on my progression as a student in her course. I highly recommend taking her course over the summer.”

“I really liked the flexibility of summer semester, especially the classes that were condensed into three to four weeks instead of the whole summer,” Kappangantula said. “That allowed me to … have the rest of my semester to work, volunteer, socialize and travel. It was also a great money saver — it allowed me to save money on tuition, gas, and parking pass costs!”

Interested in signing up for summer classes at UC's College of Arts and Sciences? Visit artsci.uc.edu/summer21 for details.

Featured image at top: Aerial view of UC's Uptown campus.

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