UC students explore career paths through NeuroSociety Club

Club provides professional direction, student connection

By Joí  Dean 

As a freshman at the University of Cincinnati, Victoria Popritkin was in search of a student organization that would complement both of her majors and future career choices —neuroscience and vocal performance.

Popritkin found NeuroSociety, an interdisciplinary group of undergraduate students looking to learn more about the brain and career fields associated with neuroscience through speakers, movies and hands-on activities. 

She felt that the student organization was a place for people with a variety of different career paths, including her road to medical school. Since making that connection, the third-year student has become president of the organization. 

UC neuroscience and vocal performance major Victoria Popritkin.

UC neuroscience and vocal performance major Victoria Popritkin.

The club is directed toward those who are pursuing neuroscience or have a career goal that correlates to neuroscience, but all are welcome. In the past, the club has had a variety of majors outside of neuroscience participate in the club: psychology, health science and even engineering.

“It’s a place where you get to broaden your horizons," Popritkin said. She believes that whether you’re an upperclassman or underclassman, NeuroSociety can be beneficial. 

Upperclassmen who are looking for the next step after they have made a final career choice get the opportunity to observe professionals in their desired field of work. 

For underclassmen, the organization introduces students to career options and gives them professional connections through guest speakers with career experience in neuroscience or related fields. In addition to networking opportunities, professional resources are provided.

UC neuroscience major Aditi Tarkar.

UC neuroscience major Aditi Tarkar.

Aditi Tarkar, a sophomore majoring in neuroscience, was introduced to the resource CampusLink at her freshman orientation. While scrolling through hundreds of student organizations, NeuroSociety captured her attention. 

Prior to attending UC, Tarkar had taken many psychology courses but never had exposure to neuroscience. 

“I really wanted to get a better idea of what neuroscience was," she said.

Through NeuroSociety and its guest speakers, Tarkar said she has been able to get a good understanding of different aspects of science.

One of her most memorable guest speakers was actress Nana Visitor, known for her role as Kira Nerys in Star Trek. During her online presentation, Visitor explored the correlation between neuroscience, psychology and stress management. 

For more information on NeuroSociety, visit CampusLink, or the club's Instagram page: @ucneurosociety. 

Featured image: Aerial view of UC's Uptown campus.

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