In Memoriam

We’ve learned that the following UC Law graduates have passed away since our last report. Though gone, they won’t be forgotten. If you would like to honor their memory, you may send a contribution in their name to the Alumni Scholarship Fund. We will be sure to let their families know about your generosity. Individuals listed are those for which we have been notified up until April 30, 2021.


Thomas E. Arnett ‘50

Donald B. Ahlers’53

Ferdinand A. Forney ‘54

Edwin C. Price ‘56

Ferd J. Lotz ‘57

Paul T. Theisen ‘57

Calvin C. Johnson’58

Charles A. Corry ‘59

Justice Donald C. Wintersheimer ’59


Roy Verderber ‘60

John O. Crouse ‘62

John K. Taylor ‘63

Gary P. Kreider ‘64

Robert T. Hollohan ‘65

James D. Ruppert ‘66

Richard B. Meyers’67

C. Ronald McSwiney ‘68

Ronald S. Ran ‘69


William G. Fowler ‘73

David M. Cook ‘78

Robert S. Rubin ‘79


Elizabeth D. Pease ‘84


Karen S. Kovach ‘92

UC Law also remembers corporate leader Charles A. Corry, in whose honor the Corporate Law Center was founded. Mr. Corry, A&S '55, Law '59, was a well-respected steel and energy executive who led USX Corporation. Read his tribute.

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