Local 12: How COVID-19 vaccines keep you from getting sick

UC transplant surgeon says everyone should get the vaccine including transplant recipients

Breakthrough cases of COVID-19 do happen in individuals with vaccinations, but those occurrences remain low, say health officials.  Having the vaccine continues to dramatically decrease the chance of becoming hospitalized or seriously ill from COVID. Its efficacy among transplant patients is also being studied and debated.  Local 12 reporter Liz Bonis spoke to Tristate physicians about whether there is still a need for vaccinations. Shimul Shah, MD, professor of surgery and division chief of transplantation in the UC College of Medicine, offered a few thoughts. "I think everyone should get vaccinated, whether they've been transplanted or not, even after the transplant,” says Shah, also a physician at UC Health. “Even if you don't have antibodies, we still really don't know what that means. At least you're potentially protected."

Listen to the full interview on Local 12 News online.

Learn more about Shimul Shah, MD, online.

Featured image of Shimul Shah, MD, professor in the UC College of Medicine.

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