Webinar: Future of Nursing 2020-2030 report

Presented by Greer Glazer, former dean of the College of Nursing and report committee member

Health equity is achieved when everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible. According to the recently released report, "The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity," nurses – who live and work at the intersection of health, education and communities – are well positioned to play a major role in addressing the underlying causes of poor health and reshaping the landscape of health equity over the next decade by expanding their roles, working in new settings and in new ways, and markedly expanding efforts to partner with communities and other sectors.

Greer Glazer, PhD, former University of Cincinnati College of Nursing dean, was one of 15 esteemed health care professionals from universities, health care systems and public health departments across the U.S. selected to author the report. In this webinar, Glazer will present how strengthening nursing capacity and expertise is critical to achieving health equity in the U.S. 

Join via Zoom on Oct. 13 at 4:30 p.m. Registration is not required.

  • Meeting ID: 969 7288 3737
  • Passcode: 273240

About Greer Glazer

Greer L. Glazer, PhD, RN
Dean, College of Nursing

Greer Glazer, PhD

Glazer is the rare academic who combines teaching, research, practice, community service and policy work. She has transformed nursing education and influenced hundreds of thousands of nurses through new admission processes, innovative pedagogy and modern learning environments. She has worked in large and small higher education institutions, research-intensive and non-research-intensive environments, public and private universities, and colleges that are part of an academic health center. She has personally taught both undergraduate- and graduate-level students and has developed new programs and educational models in several institutions.

Holding an established history of commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, Glazer created, implemented and supported programs that promote inclusion and the success of diverse populations, whether as patients, students, faculty or staff. She has served as principal investigator of initiatives that advance nursing education and create opportunity for underrepresented individuals in health care professions, best illustrated by her co-leadership of the National Study on Holistic Review.

To date, Glazer has been responsible for more than 100 publications and 220 presentations, in addition to abstracts and contributions to newspapers, radio and TV. She has also co-authored the book "Nursing Leadership from the Outside In." Her significant national accomplishments include: serving as a 1998 Fulbright Scholar in Israel, a Robert Wood Johnson Executive Nurse Fellow and chair of the American Nurses Association Political Action Committee and receiving the NLN Mary Adelaide Nutting Award for Outstanding Teaching or Leadership in Nursing Education.

Glazer has previously served as dean and professor at the University of Massachusetts Boston College of Nursing; director of parent-child nursing and professor at Kent State University; and assistant professor at Case Western Reserve University. She holds a bachelor's degree in nursing from the University of Michigan and a master's and PhD in nursing from Case Western Reserve University. Among other positions held, she was chair of the Ohio Nurses Association legislative committee, playing a major role in getting title protection and prescriptive authority for advance practice nurses in Ohio.

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