5 books that lead to success

According to Healthline, research shows that regular reading improves brain connectivity, increases your vocabulary and comprehension, and contributes to a longer life. If you have the right book in your hands, reading (even if it’s 10 pages a day) will lead you to feel healthier and happier. Books are a key tool for learning, and a lot of successful people owe their success to the knowledge they have gained while reading.

There are so many books to help build success and teach money management. This list includes five books that are highly rated and recommended.

Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill

This book is the No. 1 best-seller in the “Budgeting and Money Management” section for books on Amazon. Napoleon Hill researched more than 40 millionaires to find out “what makes a winner,” and used their methodology to write this book. He uses the insight and ideologies of many different successful people which makes this book so interesting and helpful to see things from different perspectives.

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles 

This book provided the framework for hundreds of personal wealth-building seminars. Wattles covers principles such as self-esteem and thankfulness, which eventually leads to a more successful mindset. He talks about how there really is a science to getting rich, covering laws such as “like causes always produce like effects,” and how our thoughts play a big part in how we view money which results in how much money we do or do not make.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker 

This book is all about mindset. Eker provides a new point of view for anyone to reprogram their mind to a "rich" mindset.

The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke by Suze Orman 

This book is great for someone in their 20s or recently out of college. Orman helps millennials navigate the basics of finance and how to deal with student loans. This is a good book to start with if you are young and just learning about getting your finances in order or looking to start.

The Millionaire Fast Lane by M. J. DeMarco 

The approach this book takes is to start saving young, because once you have enough money to retire you will be about 65 years old and you will have so much money saved up and no reason to spend it. DeMarco talks about using financial markets as a strategy to make money and enjoy it now.

Have you read any of these books? Tag us on Instagram or Twitter (@UCOneStop) if you have and tell us what you think!

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