Medscape: Mobile stroke units appear cost effective

A new study suggests that mobile stroke units (MSUs) are cost effective and help reduce downstream stroke-related costs in addition to providing faster care for patients.

MSUs are specially equipped ambulances that are staffed with trained professionals, brain imaging equipment and medicine to deliver treatment to patients who are having a stroke before arriving at a hospital. UC Health launched the region's first MSU in 2020.

Christopher T. Richards, MD, assistant professor in the University of Cincinnati's Department of Emergency Medicine in the College of Medicine, medical director of the UC Health Mobile Stroke Unit and a UC Health emergency physician, reviewed the study for Medscape. He said the data indicate MSUs become most effective when treating patients with stroke who call 911 quickly, have severe stroke symptoms and are independent at baseline.

Richards said further study into MSUs' cost effectiveness should look into the difference in cost when a patient is able to receive tPA treatment for ischemic stroke in the MSU compared to those who do not.

Read the Medscape article.

Featured photo at top of UC Health's mobile stroke unit courtesy of UC Health.

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