How UC College of Nursing supports me personally and professionally

The reasons I chose UC's nursing school have paid off for me as a student

By: Sydney Berberick, Bachelor of Science in Nursing '24; Nursing Student Ambassador

When I was in high school, choosing the right university for my nursing degree was an important decision. There were numerous options and so much to learn about each program that I felt overwhelmed. I am from Columbus, Ohio, so my main choices were Ohio State University, University of Cincinnati, Ohio University and Otterbein University. Each program had such great things to offer, so it came down to where I felt was right for me and my future.

After touring each college of nursing, the one program that my father and I could agree on that we liked the best was University of Cincinnati. And the reason came down to the confidence we felt. We felt confident that this was the program with the faculty who would want my success and help me get there. We also felt it was the program that was going to provide me with the most opportunities for my future career.

The greatest thing I felt my freshman year was that I wasn’t alone in what felt like a time when I was sinking.

Sydney Berberick

Lori Catalano (left) and Sydney Berberick

Me with Professor Lori Catalano

All the faculty at UC College of Nursing are dedicated and caring. They prove to us nursing students every day that they want us to succeed and care about where we are in achieving that. The greatest thing I felt my freshman year was that I wasn’t alone in what felt like a time when I was sinking. My professors and advisors reassured me that I was meant to be here, that I earned it and that my purpose is far more than just the schooling.

These reminders were what helped me through the struggles then and to this day. When viewing each nursing program, one of the things that stood out to me about UC were the numerous opportunities to gain extra experience. Between Dedicated Education Units (DEU), co-ops and international clinicals, I felt that my chances of bettering myself as a nurse were the greatest at Cincinnati. It is these opportunities that I look the most forward to during my time here in the program.


Me in front of Procter Hall, home of UC College of Nursing

I recently got accepted into the DEU program, where I get paired with a nurse during their 12-hour shift. This takes the place of the traditional clinical and is done for the whole semester. As I prepare for this experience, I could not be more excited. Although it is nerve racking, I know that I have been taught well and am well prepared.

The University of Cincinnati is known for its co-op programs, and this is true for the College of Nursing as well. I am eager to get the chance to work in the hospital as a soon-to-be nurse, caring for patients beyond the clinical setting. With all these opportunities, I felt that this was the greatest place to not only gain the skills, but also be able to effectively put them into action.

The nursing program provides a community that makes you feel known and part of something big.

Sydney Berberick

Going into my spring semester of my second year in UC’s College of Nursing, I couldn't be happier that I chose here. Even though the university can feel huge, the nursing program provides a community that makes you feel known and a part of something big. I look forward to the rest of my time here and there is no better feeling than that.

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