Yahoo! News: Museum spotlights women in military

Engineering graduate and Lt. Col. Terry Calvert talks about her military experience

Yahoo! News profiled University of Cincinnati graduate and U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Terry Calvert, who contributed her experience to a new exhibit at the Miami Valley Veterans Museum in Troy, Ohio.

Calvert, a math professor at Edison State Community College, was an aerospace engineering student in UC's College of Engineering and Applied Science who turned her interest in aviation into a career in the U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force.

She took advantage of UC's top-rated co-op program to work at the Navy pilots and Marines at the Navy test center in Maryland.

The story first appeared in the Dayton Daily News.

UC created the nation's first co-op in 1906, a model in which students spend part of the year in classroom instruction and part of the year applying what they learned working for employers around the world.

Today, UC is ranked fourth in the nation for co-op and internships (U.S. News Best Colleges 2022). Students earn a collective $58 million annually working for thousands of employers including GE Aviation, Disney, Toyota and Procter & Gamble Co.

After her co-op experience, Calvert decided to join the Navy, attending Officer Candidate School. The stakes were high because she felt like she was blazing a trail for other women, she said. Calvert was one of only eight women to finish in her class.

“We knew if we messed up something not only would we be in trouble , but cause problems for all women coming behind us,” she said.

Calvert completed her military career in the U.S. Air Force, retiring from the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in 2006.

Read the Yahoo! News story.

Featured image at top: UC celebrates Veterans Day on the Commons.

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