New hires approved for named professorship, endowed chair faculty positions

Esteemed quintet to fill posts for fall semester

Five new hires for named professorship and endowed chair positions at the Carl. H Lindner College of Business began their posts Aug. 15 after they were approved by the University of Cincinnati Board of Trustees.

  • Bradley Boehmke, PhD, Assistant Professor-Educator of Operations, Business Analytics, and Information Systems (OBAIS), Joseph S. Stern Professorship of Practice
  • Scott Dust, PhD, Associate Professor of Management, Fealy Family Endowed Chair in Entrepreneurship
  • David Salem, Assistant Professor-Educator of Finance, Richard E. Thornburgh Professorship of Practice
  • Jeffrey Shaffer, Assistant Professor-Educator of OBAIS, Joseph S. Stern Professorship of Practice
  • Laurens Steed, PhD, Assistant Professor of Management, John and Gloria Goering Professorship in Family & Private Business

Department heads nominate faculty members to open professorship or chair positions via a letter of recommendation to the dean. The dean then makes a recommendation to the provost and Board of Trustees, who vote to approve the dean's recommendation. Professorships and chairs may be used to recruit new faculty in specific areas as well as to acknowledge the outstanding accomplishments of current faculty.

Bradley Boehmke

The Joseph S. Stern Professorship of Practice was inaugurated in 1973 with family members of Stern and Joseph S. Stern Jr. to support a professorship within the college. Boehmke, hired as an adjunct professor in 2016, earned his PhD from the Air Force Institute of Technology and most recently was director of data science at 84.51˚.

Bradley Boehmke headshot

Bradley Boehmke

A longtime instructor for the Center for Business Analytics’ training courses, Boehmke is considered a leading expert in the use of open-source software — such as R and Python for data analytics applications — according to Michael Fry, OBAIS professor and recent interim department head.

“Brad has applied data science to many different domains throughout his career, including for retail, health care, cyber intelligence, finance, aerospace and the Department of Defense,” Fry said. “Brad has established and maintains a well-respected repository of information for analytics and data science that is used by students, faculty and practitioners worldwide.”

Scott Dust

Dust garnered his PhD from Drexel University and was previously an associate professor of management at Miami University. As part of his duties as the first-ever Fealy Family Endowed Chair in Entrepreneurship, Dust will serve as an academic partner to the Center for Entrepreneurship.

His research falls into three categories:

  1. The overlooked aspects of the contemporary approaches to leadership
  2. Person-supervisor fit as a lens for leader-follower relations
  3. Attention to temporality

“We felt Scott was ideally suited to this role based on his wide background of both research and experience that relates to entrepreneurship. Many of his published articles address entrepreneurship-relevant variables of interest, including risk orientation, creative mindsets, creative performance, team innovation and knowledge sharing,” said Elaine Hollensbe, PhD, professor and head of the department of management. “In addition, he was the principal for three entrepreneurial ventures in the employee benefits industry before academia.”

Dust recently penned an article for Fast Company detailing the dangers of email overload and why the problem is a psychological one, not a tactical one.

David Salem

Salem has extensive experience in the finance industry, having held positions in portfolio management, legal consulting, structured product valuation, financial risk management, institutional investment advisory, derivative securities trading and market making, and volatility modeling and derivative (e.g., VIX) pricing. Salem, who collected his Juris Doctor degree from the UC College of Law, is the president and general counsel of EQ Risk Management Consulting.

As the Richard E. Thornburgh Professorship of Practice — which was founded in 2012 — Salem will work closely with incoming Johnson Investment Institute Director Steve Slezak, PhD, to collaborate with industry partners to develop programming that provides students with practical experience with leading finance techniques and tools (as available in the Johnson Investment Counsel Investment Lab).

“David’s professional experience allows us to ensure our students develop the knowledge and practical application skills demanded by top industry employers,” Slezak said.

Jeffrey Shaffer

Per Fry, Shaffer is considered “world-renowned expert” in data visualization. An adjunct professor at Lindner since 2012, Shaffer was chief operating officer and vice president of information technology and analytics at Unifund and Recovery Decision Science before joining Lindner full-time.

Jeffrey Shaffer headshot

Jeffrey Shaffer

“Jeff was selected as one of 30 worldwide Tableau ‘Zen Masters’ in 2018 and has won a variety of awards for his data visualizations,” Fry said. “His book, ‘The Big Book of Dashboards,’ is considered a leading reference for the use of data visualization techniques to create data dashboards.”

Shaffer also maintains a pair of websites on data visualization and Tableau training and a Tableau reference guide that have become leading sources of information related to data visualization and the use of Tableau software.

Laurens Steed

Steed fills the John and Gloria Professorship, which was established in 2011. According to Hollensbe, Steed was well-suited to this role because of her research interests, “which overlap with concerns faced by family and privately held business practitioners.


Laurens Steed

“For example, these practitioners face challenges with ‘leaving work at work’ and well-being, areas of Laurens’ research,” Hollensbe said. “She has also given multiple presentations in areas important to family and private business, such as psychological detachment and the trickle-down effects of supervisors’ family-to-work enrichment and conflict.”

Steed earned her PhD at the Georgia Institute of Technology and arrives from Miami University, where she was an assistant professor of management. Steed was recognized for teaching excellence by her students at Miami, and her work has been published in academic journals and practitioner outlets.

Endowed Chairs, Directorships, and Named Professorships at Lindner

Arthur Beerman Professorship
Joshua Clarkson, Marketing

Briggs Swift Cunningham Professorship
Hui Guo, Finance

David Sinton Professorship
Debashis Pal, Economics

Donald Weston Chair
Frank Kardes, Marketing

El & Elaine Bourgraf Executive Director of Entrepreneurship
Kate Harmon

Fealy Family Endowed Chair in Entrepreneurship
Scott Dust, Management

James C. and Caroline Kautz Chair in Political Economy
David Brasington, Economics

James S. Womack/Gemini Chair of Signage & Visual Marketing
James Kellaris, Marketing

John & Gloria Goering Professor in Family & Private Business
Laurens Steed, Management

Johnson Investment Council Professor
Mehmet Sağlam

Johnson Investment Council Professor
Chen Xue

Joseph S. Stern Professor of Business Analytics

Joseph S. Stern Professor of Practice
Bradley Boehmke, OBAIS

Joseph S. Stern Professor of Practice
Jeffrey Shaffer, OBAIS

Karen Bennett Hoeb Directorship for Cooperative Education
Kevin J. Hardy, Career Services

Kautz-Uible Professorship of Economics
Michael Jones, Economics

Norwood & Marjorie Geis Chair
Nan Zhou, Accounting

Richard E. Thornburgh Professorship of Finance
Alexander Borisov, Finance

Richard E. Thornburgh Professorship of Practice
David Salem, Finance

Virgil Schwarm Professorship
Tong Yu, Finance

Virgil Schwarm Professorship
Annette Hofmann, Finance

Featured image of Lindner Hall by Gavin Vargas.

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