Nineteen faculty join College of Engineering and Applied Science in 2022
Faculty join from across engineering disciplines
The University of Cincinnati's College of Engineering and Applied Science continues to expand with the addition of nineteen new faculty members in 2022. Two professors were announced in January. Seventeen faculty members, introduced below, joined CEAS at the start of the fall semester, and included two new department heads: Ying Sun, as head of the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, and Justin Zhan, as head of the newly established Department of Computer Science.
Meet the faculty:
Associate Professor Educator Department of Computer Science
Research/Teaching Interests: Computer networks; computer systems; network and system security; applied machine learning; sensor networks; Internet of Things
Professor Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management
Research/Teaching Interests: Traffic safety analysis; intelligent transportation systems; connected and automated vehicles; naturalistic driving; statistical and big data analytics
Assistant Professor Educator Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research/Teaching Interests: Signal/image processing; thresholding; segmentation; compression; postprocessing; filtering; edge detection; medical signal/image analysis; quality assessment; machine learning; information theory; pattern recognition; intelligent computing; electromagnetics/wave propagation; digital electronics; circuit/network analysis; numerical analysis
Associate Professor Department of Computer Science
Research/Teaching Interests: Networked systems; human-in-the-loop systems; cybersecurity; signal processing; game theory
Professor Department of Computer Science
Research/Teaching Interests: Neuroimaging; computational cognition; machine learning and AI; algorithmic agency; reward/aversion judgment; mental health neuroscience
Assistant Professor Educator Department of Engineering and Computing Education
Research/Teaching Interests: Understanding student experience; professional and workforce development; self-directed learning; research-to-practice implementation; design thinking; qualitative methodologies
Assistant Professor Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management
Research/Teaching Interests: Lighting and health; circadian rhythms; perception of illuminated spaces; cognitive/behavioral responses; high dynamic range imaging applications in lighting metrology; computer vision occupancy sensing; occupant-first energy systems; well-to-wheels electric vehicle emissions modeling
Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Research/Teaching Interests: Smart manufacturing and maintenance; prognostics and health management; data-driven modeling and intelligent systems; advanced process control; machine learning and data mining
Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Research/Teaching Interests: Stretchable and wearable sensors; implantable devices; low-power wireless systems; electrically small antenna; piezoelectric transducers; long-wavelength infrared detectors; ceramic and 3d printing; selective laser annealing; area selective chemical vapor deposition; sol-gel process
Associate Professor Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management
Research/Teaching Interests: Connected and autonomous vehicles; human-machine interface in automated driving; autonomous traffic control optimization; transportation cybersecurity; AI; traffic/driving simulations; traffic induced emission control; intelligent transportation systems; advanced sensing; human-vehicle-infrastructure nexus; traffic operations/safety; GIS transportation; transportation policy in built environment
Assistant Professor Department of Biomedical Engineering
Research/Teaching Interests: In vitro system of chronic traumatic encephalopathy for biomarker detection and therapeutic screening; neurodegeneration after traumatic brain injury; uniting biology and engineering in training the next generation of engineers
Associate Professor Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Research/Teaching Interests: Materials sustainability; alloy discovery and design; metals processing science; critical materials; quantitative characterization; microstructure modeling and simulation
Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science
Research/Teaching Interests: Machine learning; data science; network science; biomedical image analysis; connectomics
Associate Professor Educator Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management
Research/Teaching Interests: Risk and reliability; slope stability; transient seepage and natural pozzolans; accessible/sustainable trail surfaces; student interpretation of safety and welfare in engineering ethics; mental wellness in engineering education; transfer pathways in first-year engineering
Department Head and Herman Schneider Professor Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Research/Teaching Interests: Multiphase flows and heat/mass transfer; machine learning and data-driven methods; thermal management with phase change; complex fluids and interfacial phenomena; transport phenomena in additive manufacturing; multi-scale modeling with applications in energy systems and advanced manufacturing
Assistant Professor Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management
Research/Teaching Interests: Geotechnical computational modeling; uncertainty quantification and reliability; risk/resilience assessment; underground excavation and tunneling; earthen slopes and levees; soil/rock-structure interaction; in-situ characterization of extraterrestrial regolith; sensing and machine learning in geotechnical engineering
Department Head and Professor Department of Computer Science
Research/Teaching Interests: Data science; artificial intelligence; blockchain technologies; biomedical informatics; information assurance; social computing
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