6301 Results

History Dissertation Deemed Ohio's 'Best'

April 3, 2002

The Ohio Academy of History (OAH) will award its prize for the best dissertation of 2000-2001 to University of Cincinnati alumnus Sanjam Ahluwalia, who completed her PhD in history at UC in late 2000.


Climate Change Research Draws Attention of Top National Panel

April 10, 2002

One of the most influential national panels looking at global climate change traveled halfway around the world earlier this year to see what UC geologists and their collaborators have discovered about climate change in the Southern Hemisphere.


Historian Traces U.S. Eugenics Movement

April 15, 2002

Cloning, genetic manipulation, and designer babies may sound like progressive developments at the forefront of modern medicine, but to historian Wendy Kline they can be counted among the latest terms in a century-long movement to "build a better race" in the United States.