5853 Results

How to spot a fake

December 6, 2022

University of Cincinnati chemists, geologists and art historians are collaborating to help area art museums answer questions about masterpieces and detect fakes — and teaching students about their methods.


UC students help community partners with business solutions

June 3, 2021

Three teams of English majors from UC’s College of Arts and Sciences assembled on a late Wednesday afternoon in April for a Zoom presentation. For their clients, they had prepared strategic business guidelines on topics from social media to grant writing and funding proposals to digital volunteer manuals. “Deliverables” in the business sense aren’t usually associated with liberal arts studies. But for students in this Professional Writing Capstone Class, offered through the department of English, it has become a familiar term. Using skills such as strategic analysis, web design, project management and research, the student teams prepared their deliverables for Cincinnati-area clients such as the Literacy Network of Greater Cincinnati, The American Cancer Society Discovery Store and more.


A&S undergrad lands opportunity for hands-on research experience

January 6, 2021

For Arts and Science students at the University Cincinnati, there are no shortage of ways to get involved with their major and classes. Many students spend much of their first few years searching for enriching opportunities to help them explore their passions and help them prepare for a career after college. For biology major Ariana Berrios, she didn’t have to look for long. 


When push comes to shove, what is a fight?

January 25, 2021

University of Cincinnati biologists come up with novel way for deciding how to categorize similar animal behaviors. The results could help streamline animal behavior research.


Eye on Hollywood, UC student interns with HBO, Disney

February 1, 2021

By Rebecca Schweitzer    Students in the University of Cincinnati's College of Arts & Sciences are always finding new ways to gain experience in their fields. Callie Tucker, a fourth-year digital media collaborative student, has her sights set on Hollywood, and during her time at UC, Tucker has had the opportunity to intern at some of the most well-known media companies in order to help this dream.


UC grad sees film festival circuit success

March 9, 2021

Erica Bock wrote a feature length screenplay for her capstone project as a senior in the Digital Media Collaborative in UC’s College of Arts and Sciences. Since graduating in the fall of 2019, she has been making the festival rounds with her drama that focuses on a college student in the 1950s wrestling with drugs and her sexual identity.


UC College of Arts and Sciences expands co-op program

March 17, 2021

 By Rebecca Schweitzer    [COPY] Political Science has become the third department within the College of Arts & Sciences to add a co-op track to their program. This new optional track for all Political Science, International Affairs and Law & Society majors allows students to gain professional experience while enrolled at the University of Cincinnati. The co-op subplan is designed for students to be able to complete within the standard four-year undergraduate plan in most cases.


UC offers local Spanish Immersion program this summer

March 19, 2021

By: Joí Dean Many UC students have missed the opportunity to travel abroad in the past due to the pandemic, but two professors from the College of Arts and Sciences have found a solution. Assistant professors Juan Godoy and Kara Moranski, along with colleagues from the Department of Romance and Arabic Languages and Literatures, have created UC’s first Summer Spanish Local Immersion Program. The idea was originally proposed by professor Carlos Gutiérrez, who had a vision for students to have an opportunity to experience Hispanic culture locally. After numerous brainstorming sessions, Godoy and Moranski will see the program come to life this summer. “Students should expect to fully engage in daily activities and cultural activities that are not normally part of a regular class,” Godoy said.