9671 Results

Making pancreatic cancer treatments more effective

February 7, 2023

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has announced an intent to fund research from the University of Cincinnati’s Andrew Waters, PhD, to better understand how to overcome treatment resistance and develop better treatments for KRAS-mutated pancreatic cancer.


A new co-driver in breast cancer

March 9, 2021

University of Cincinnati researchers have discovered that cooperation between two key genes drive cancer growth, spread and treatment resistance in one particularly aggressive type of breast cancer. The good news is, though, with this knowledge, they can continue to aim their targeted treatments at these genes, singularly and together, to stop breast cancer in its tracks.


Halt cell recycling to treat cancer

February 8, 2021

University of Cincinnati researchers have shown that completely halting a cell recycling process in a very aggressive form of breast cancer may improve outcomes for patients one day.


A village of cancer cells

August 25, 2020

UC research shows it can take cells in different forms or “life stages” to cause cancer to grow and spread.