5751 Results

CCM students star in celebrated Mozart opera 'The Marriage of Figaro'

February 19, 2024

The UC College-Conservatory of Music Undergraduate Opera program (also known as Opera d'arte) presented a nearly sold-out run of Mozart’s "The Marriage of Figaro" on February 15-17 , 2024 in Cohen Family Studio Theater. Starring an acclaimed student cast, the opera featured a variety of undergraduates who recently won a variety of awards and prestigious honors.


Empowerment unleashed: A clothing line campus collaboration

February 19, 2024

Celebrate a historic partnership as UC Bookstores unveils a limited-edition clothing line with BlackOwned, a mission-driven local brand promoting Black business ownership and societal equity. This collaboration embodies UC's spirit and championing empowerment.


Unleashing innovation: UC's Lab2Market program empowers STEM entrepreneurship

February 16, 2024

The University of Cincinnati is spearheading a new initiative by launching its Lab2Market program, empowering the next generation of STEM researchers into the realm of entrepreneurship. Recognizing the importance of commercialization in translating scientific and technological research into tangible societal and environmental benefits, UC is taking a bold step in nurturing a culture of innovation and market-driven thinking.


Victoria Appatova named CLADEA Fellow

February 15, 2024

University of Cincinnati Clermont College Professor of English Victoria Appatova has been elected as a Council of Learning Assistance and Developmental Education Associations (CLADEA) Fellow recognizing her significant achievement in the field of post-secondary learning assistance and developmental education.


The Independent: This man has been swatted 47 times for making a joke

February 14, 2024

A seemingly harmless take on Twitter turned into an years-long campaign of harassment, death threats and dozens of ‘swatting’ attacks on an individual. An arrest has been made, but swatting needs to be taken more seriously, says UC cybersecurity expert Gregory Winger, an assistant professor in the School of Public and International Affairs.