3023 Results

UC Law Clinic prevails in Sixth Circuit

March 23, 2021

In January, as most students were returning for the Spring Semester, third-year students Trane “T.J.” Robinson and Katia Basalla were making what would turn out to be a successful oral argument before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.


UC remembers corporate leader Charles A. Corry

March 31, 2021

The University of Cincinnati and the College of Law community are remembering attorney Charles A. “Chuck” Corry, A&S ‘55, Law, ’59, a well-respected steel and energy executive who led USX Corporation.


Three additional days off for UC employees

July 14, 2021

President Neville G. Pinto announced that UC employees will receive three additional days off in 2021 for going 'above and beyond' during the pandemic. The time away will take place during Winter Season Days.