8582 Results

Business Courier: UC part of nearly $2M CDC grant to develop next generation of health care PPE

November 10, 2021

UC researchers are taking part in a new nearly $2 million, multiyear study that will help develop a new generation of PPE, or personal protective equipment, for health care workers. UC researchers will work with teams from Iowa State University and the University of California-Davis to improve the design, function and safety of PPE, or personal protective equipment, the university said in a release this week. The study is part of a multi-institutional, four-year grant worth $1.8 million from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Cincinnati Business Courier published a story on the research.


WVXU: UC Health first in region to use spray on skin for burn patients

November 9, 2021

Spray on skin, called RECELL, is now approved for both adults and children, sparing them the unnecessary pain of dozens of skin grafts. UC Health says it’s the first in the region to use the technology made by Avita. WVXU published a story on the spray, quoting Julia Slater, MD, assistant professor in the Department of Surgery at the UC College of Medicine.


Cincinnati.com: Chronic pain: Would changes in CDC opioid prescribing guidelines help those who have it?

February 21, 2022

In 2016, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) set opioid-prescribing guidelines for physicians. The idea was to offer doctors the best ways to protect people from an over-prescription of pain pills which had fueled the misuse of opioids and amplified cascading overdose deaths in the United States. While the goal was to protect patients, the impact was not all positive. In an article published by Cincinnati.com, Christine Wilder, MD, of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience at the UC College of Medicine and the director of the UC Health Addiction Sciences, was one of the experts cited.


LifeHacker: How to parent an empath

May 10, 2022

The University of Cincinnati's Shana Feibel gave tips to LifeHacker on how to parent an empath, someone who feels other people's feelings as if they are their own.