190 Results

Goering Center news: Work on your business, not in it

April 9, 2019

As a business leader we often hear the phrase, "you need to work on your business, not in your business.” I firmly believe this to be true – the challenge is that it is hard to actually do! Although it is a simple concept many, including myself, struggle with implementing this into action. I've personally had to invest time and effort into implementing this in my own business. As a strategic business partner to my clients, this is a daily conversation. As a leader of your business, you will naturally have multiple things fall into your lap daily and you have to be diligent about not spending all of your time being reactive. Because this is such a common problem my clients and I have dealt with, I decided to pull together some practical steps to help you understand the problem with working in the business, how to work on your business, the benefits and what to do next!


Goering Center news: Family business or business family?

May 7, 2019

If you think about the focus of the Goering Center, what comes to mind? I’m finding out more and more that the answer for many people is “family business.” It’s easy to draw that association. So many family-owned businesses that are now considered icons in the greater Cincinnati community have been part of the Goering Center story. We have transformed — and sometimes salvaged — many multi-generational family businesses. Yet, we are the Goering Center for Family and Private Business. Private businesses are very much a part of our work. They represent half of the awards at our Family and Private Business Awards event, the majority of our programs cater to the needs of private as well as family businesses, and our boards and committees are blessed with many private business owners.


Goering Center news: Lease standard impacts small business

May 7, 2019

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is changing the way businesses prepare their financial statements and the way companies account for leases. The FASB first introduced guidance on these changes in February 2016 and the required implementation date for non-public entities is quickly approaching. No matter the size of your privately held company, ASU 2016-02, Leases, could have a significant impact on your financial statements.