190 Results

Building and strengthening community through social media

September 16, 2021

When the pandemic hit, Matthew Dooley witnessed many of his clients suffer – Dooley Social Studio quickly took action, mapping out those who were most at-risk and working with them to develop a plan of attack. Frequent, authentic communication with each client was key. Clients pulled closer to the studio, not only because of their existing relationships, but also because of the importance of communicating via social media during a time of social distancing.


An integrated approach to client communications in the virtual space

September 16, 2021

At the start of the pandemic, Barnes Dennig was among the first to move to remote working. Thanks to proactive investments in technology over the years, the firm was able to make the switch virtually overnight, and at the height of their busiest season, without compromising work quality or client service.


Volunteer of the Year: Michael Miller of LCNB National Bank

September 16, 2021

We are proud and honored that the Goering Center is supported by over 200 professionals who volunteer their unique expertise, leadership, and perspective to the business community through our educational programs, our boards, and our committees. To recognize their outstanding effort, each year we present one of our volunteers with the Keith Baldwin Volunteer Award. This award was created to honor the extraordinary commitment of one our earliest and most dedicated volunteers, Keith Baldwin. Michael Miller, Executive Vice President & Chief Wealth Officer, LCNB National Bank, is the 2021 recipient of the Baldwin Award, acknowledging exemplary commitment and voluntary service to the Goering Center.


As an essential business, JBM makes all forms of communication essential

September 16, 2021

As an essential business, JBM’s production team members continued to work onsite throughout the pandemic’s various restrictions. However, many of their professional staff transitioned to remote work. As a result, JBM’s leadership had to figure out how to maintain connections between remote and onsite workers, remote and remote workers, as well as between units, with customers and suppliers, and between its leadership and all 200 or so of its workers wherever they happened to be.


Attention to detail, adaptability, and commitment to follow-through stand VonLehman in good stead

September 16, 2021

When quarantine was mandated in March of 2020, VonLehman’s number one concern was the safety of its employees and clients. All employees were sent home immediately, and the office was closed. Once the safety of the employees was established, VonLehman developed committees to ensure all steps going forward were taken with caution. A “Rapid Response Team” was formed to communicate to employees on a weekly, and sometimes daily, basis with updates on how COVID was impacting the firm. Transparency has always been a strong suit for VonLehman and that became more important than ever.


How Designs Direct preserved partnerships and paved a new path forward

September 16, 2021

At the onset of the pandemic, Designs Direct Creative Group established three priorities: preserving their culture, supporting their customers, and maintaining their most important partnerships. To preserve their culture, their team emphasized the need for open, honest, and consistent communication.