5333 Results

From lab to legacy inside UC’s 1819 Innovation Hub

December 12, 2023

In the vibrant corridors of the University of Cincinnati, pioneering research extends beyond the confines of laboratories — it launches revolutionary ideas poised to reshape the world. The key to safeguarding these innovations lies in the swift and savvy journey through the 1819 Innovation Hub’s technology transfer and patent licensing process, a vital approach for both faculty and the university.


Local 12: UC startup gains approval for trials

May 30, 2023

A startup founded by four University of Cincinnati physicians gained FDA approval to move forward with clinical trials for its portable system that can detect brain injuries, Local 12 reported.


Action News 5: PEP Buddy helps people breathe easier

May 5, 2023

A hands-free device developed by researchers at the University of Cincinnati could help the 12.5 million Americans who have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease breathe easier, Action News 5 in Memphis, Tennessee, reported.


WCPO: DOD-backed clinical trial begins at UC

August 29, 2023

A Department of Defense-funded clinical trial being led at the University of Cincinnati aims to repair meniscus tissue and reduce the odds of surgical procedures failing, WCPO reported.


Spectrum News: Rover developed at UC helps clean waterways

September 25, 2023

A University of Cincinnati Venture Lab-backed startup has developed a robot that can clean garbage, an oil spill or fish kill from waterways in a way that's safer and more effective than doing it manually, Spectrum News 1 reported.