9811 Results

A potential new treatment for brain tumors

September 23, 2022

The University of Cincinnati's Pankaj Desai, PhD, has received a $1.19 million grant from the National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke to continue research into the use of a drug called letrozole to treat glioblastomas, the most deadly form of brain tumors.


Advancing multiple sclerosis treatment

January 20, 2022

University of Cincinnati researcher physicians are hosting the BEAT-MS trial which will study the effectiveness of stem cell transplant compared to the currently best available treatments for multiple sclerosis.


Identifying risk factors following ICH strokes

March 28, 2022

The University of Cincinnati's Daniel Woo and colleagues recently published a paper in JAMA revealing new insights on how different risk factors following intracerebral hemorrhages can affect patient outcomes.


Pioneering stroke treatment

December 9, 2021

University of Cincinnati researchers are leading the FASTEST global trial that will examine the effectiveness of a new treatment for strokes due to intracerebral hemorrhage.