190 Results

Attention to detail, adaptability, and commitment to follow-through stand VonLehman in good stead

September 16, 2021

When quarantine was mandated in March of 2020, VonLehman’s number one concern was the safety of its employees and clients. All employees were sent home immediately, and the office was closed. Once the safety of the employees was established, VonLehman developed committees to ensure all steps going forward were taken with caution. A “Rapid Response Team” was formed to communicate to employees on a weekly, and sometimes daily, basis with updates on how COVID was impacting the firm. Transparency has always been a strong suit for VonLehman and that became more important than ever.


Necco’s superheroes donned their capes and made magic for foster kids during COVID

September 16, 2021

11,200 children and families depended on Necco to receive support during the height of the pandemic. Foster care and mental health counseling are essential services. The physical safety and well-being of Necco’s clients and staff had to be weighed alongside their clients’ critical needs. Even in a pandemic, children need foster families, family crises happen, and mental health support needs staff to be face-to-face in the home. This was all non-negotiable. Necco quickly stepped up, leveraging technology to ensure that all staff, clients, and foster parents had the right tools to access needed educational, behavioral, and physical healthcare from their kitchen table.


Volunteer of the Year: Michael Miller of LCNB National Bank

September 16, 2021

We are proud and honored that the Goering Center is supported by over 200 professionals who volunteer their unique expertise, leadership, and perspective to the business community through our educational programs, our boards, and our committees. To recognize their outstanding effort, each year we present one of our volunteers with the Keith Baldwin Volunteer Award. This award was created to honor the extraordinary commitment of one our earliest and most dedicated volunteers, Keith Baldwin. Michael Miller, Executive Vice President & Chief Wealth Officer, LCNB National Bank, is the 2021 recipient of the Baldwin Award, acknowledging exemplary commitment and voluntary service to the Goering Center.


When the hungry can’t come to Sweets & Meats BBQ, Sweets & Meats BBQ goes to the hungry

September 16, 2021

The food service industry was one of the hardest hit by the pandemic in 2020, and Sweets & Meats BBQ was no exception. In the early days of the pandemic, when everything was shut down, Sweets & Meats’ carry-out remained open – but that would not be enough to survive. They began offering online ordering and curbside pick-up, partnered with Kroger to sell packaged meats and sides in the deli department in their neighborhood store, and began taking their food trucks out to Cincinnati area neighborhoods. They would hit four neighborhoods a day within a 30-mile radius of their restaurant for a period of 15 months, offering family packages and individual meals for pick up from their food truck and trailer. This additional service kept them in business and broadened their audience.


When their world came to an abrupt stop, Abstract Displays created a new one

September 16, 2021

Abstract Displays, Inc. is a creator and provider of 3D marketing environments for the trade show and event industry – building connections between their clients and their clients’ prospects is what they do. What’s more, they were doing this in the real world. That is until COVID-19 brought the trade show industry to a screeching halt.


Passing the Baton

August 10, 2021

The past several years have engendered an unprecedented environment for family businesses. When faced with these market pressures, how does a successful family business enterprise respond? What is “success” in a climate like this — and how does succession come into play?


Protect Company Assets by Mitigating Cyber Risks

April 8, 2021

Cyber threats and insurance have become a ubiquitous business issue. Insurance is intended as a vehicle to transfer catastrophic risk to carriers contractually in consideration for premium dollars. There is no coverage area where the risks evolve more rapidly than cyber, and so the insurance must evolve with it.


Protect Yourself With Thoughtful Estate Planning

April 8, 2021

Now is a good time to review personal and family estate planning. Many new opportunities are developing considering the rising optimism with the broader economy, the new administration, and the new Congress. Although the future remains uncertain, there are many things that can be done in the present to protect the interests of your loved ones and yourself.


Unlocking Your Company’s Value

April 8, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses to adjust the way they operate. We now meet virtually, find new ways to engage with our employees, and rethink the way we do business. It has been a year of transition as our companies are adapting to a new normal, and it is the perfect time to unlock and discover new value opportunities in your organization.