3691 Results

Which is better: in-person or virtual business meetings?

June 20, 2023

After the rise of remote working, businesses everywhere are continuing to take advantage of digital technology to hold virtual meetings. But is the convenience of tuning in virtually worth the benefit over being there in person? UC's 1819 Innovation Hub business experts weigh in.


Leaving a steady job to join the gig economy? Here are three things you should know

February 21, 2023

Almost 5 million workers quit their 9 to 5s during the pandemic and moved into the freelance industry. According to recent statistics, the global freelance market has an approximate value of $1.5 trillion, which means there is a market for you as a freelancer, regardless of your industry. Discover innovative ways to build freelance success.


Is it a business opportunity or just a good idea? Here’s how you can tell

February 21, 2023

A good idea is just that — an idea. But if it’s a great idea it will make money, solve problems, have viable markets and offer goods at prices consumers are willing to pay. So, if your new service or product fulfills a need or fills a void, check out how willing people will be to pay for your idea. Start by conducting market research.


Five types of people you need to start a business

March 30, 2023

Having a team is a must to run any business successfully. This is especially true when it comes to getting a new venture off the ground. In a recent CB Insights report on why startups fail, not having the right team is near the top of the list. Startups need to build a team that is vision and mission supportive from adding external freelance talent or contractors, to advisory board members, to bringing partners and talent on board.


New year habits entrepreneurs should adopt


The beginning of a new calendar year is a time to look ahead and set new goals. Entrepreneurs can commit to staying on track throughout the coming year by adopting quick habits to take their business to the next level of innovation.


UC students recognized as top innovators

October 27, 2023

University of Cincinnati students and UC alumni have been recognized for their entrepreneurial spirit by Cincy Inno and Dayton Inno as part of lists that honor innovators age 25 and younger.


Navigating IP strategies with UC’s 1819 Innovation Hub

March 28, 2024

While navigating the intricacies of pioneering research initiatives, faculty and student innovators can stay current on legal safeguards and protect invention commercialization through the University of Cincinnati’s tech transfer team in the 1819 Innovation Hub.