9375 Results

Over 100 Mental Health Champions graduated this spring

April 28, 2021

On April 15, 2021, over 100 faculty and staff across the University of Cincinnati graduated to become official Mental Health Champions, a now Healthy UC initiative. These dedicated colleagues successfully completed three trainings focused on creating connections and community, supporting students and co-workers with resources, and investing in their own personal wellness. Trainings were hosted by fellow colleagues who became facilitators in Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR), Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), and the Be Well UC employee wellness program. All Mental Health Champions actively demonstrate their commitment to building the culture of positive well-being at the University.


A Perfect Match Day 2010 at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

March 18, 2010

­It was a double dose of congratulations for University of Cincinnati (UC) medical student Melissa Korb on Match Day 2010. That s when Korb, 27, not only learned she d be conducting her general surgery residency training at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Medical Center, but she d be doing so as the future Mrs. Rob Dempsey, UC College of Medicine Alum, 09.


UC HEALTH LINE: Prewashed' Salad Still Needs Cleaning

March 11, 2010

For people trying to get in their recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables, prepackaged green salads are an easy way to start a meal. But there s growing concern that these convenient items aren t as ready to eat as advertised.