9311 Results

Path to 50K: A journey defined by our impact

August 28, 2023

University of Cincinnati President Neville G. Pinto shares the importance of UC's impact as enrollment projected to eclipse 50,000 students for first time in university history.


'To make him proud was high on her list'

April 1, 2021

Alex Lewis lost her 82-year-old grandfather to Covid-19 just five weeks before her dream school showed up on the front steps of Roger Bacon High School to tell the senior that she has been admitted to the University of Cincinnati College of Nursing as part of a touching Decision Day surprise effort this year.


Social justice through medicine

Carl Fichtenbaum, a professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and one of the leaders in UC’s efforts to combat COVID-19, is still going to protest marches as his passion for social justice, personally and profession- ally, burns as brightly as ever.