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UC launches graduate-level sustainability internships

April 12, 2022

The UC Center for Public Engagement with Science (PEWS) has announced three new sustainability interns.  As part of UC’s Research 2030 initiative, the internships were created to coincide with university-wide sustainability initiatives, according to Angela Potochnik, director of PEWS and professor of philosophy in the College of Arts and Sciences.


A&S Black alumni, faculty honored at Onyx & Ruby Gala

March 8, 2022

University of Cincinnati alumni, faculty, staff and students gathered in February to honor African American leaders and achievers at the 2022 Onyx & Ruby Gala. Awardees included College of Arts & Sciences alumni N. John Bey and Maurice Stewart, and professor of English LaVerne Summerlin, who recently marked her 50th anniversary on faculty at UC. Summerlin received the Tower of Strength award, which recognizes a UC faculty or staff member for shaping students’ personal and professional development. Summerlin, who has been at UC since 1970, has received over 20 educational and teaching awards, including the A.B. Dolly Cohen Award for Excellence in Teaching.


A&S Tribunal helps students form a voice on campus

February 2, 2022

In early 2020, after COVID-19 moved classes online, the University of Cincinnati implemented a pass/fail option. This allowed students who were worried about the effect of a low grade on their GPA to choose to have their instructor either pass or fail them, thus ensuring that remote learning wouldn’t reflect on their record. (Separated the ideas up a bit) The College of Arts & Sciences was one of the first colleges to adopt the pass/fail option, and eventually, each college on UC’s campus would adopt the policy. The A&S Tribunal, the College of Arts & Sciences’ student-led governing body, was instrumental in the implementation of this policy.    Isabel Slonneger, Vice President of the A&S Tribunal, recalls the purpose of the pass/fail initiative: “Tribunal is for advocating on behalf of students,” she says. Pass/fail has been vital for students, especially those who do not thrive in an online learning environment.     The pass/fail initiative is only one of many initiatives that the A&S Tribunal spearheads. As the student government for the College of Arts & Sciences, the Tribunal works to represent students and their needs and make changes that will benefit both. Any A&S student can join the Tribunal, and it’s one step closer to making connections, new friends and changes that matter on UC’s campus. (nut graf) 


UC mock trial team makes elite national competition

May 11, 2022

Each spring, in hundreds of nondescript rooms across the country, around 700 collegiate mock trial teams compete. Team members collaborate to create compelling arguments, for both the mock defense and prosecution, to win their respective cases. Tensions run high and each team member must be fully prepared and in character to advance to the national competition. Only seven percent of all collegiate teams qualify, and UC’s team joined the elite competition this year for the first time since 2019, appearing in the American Mock Trial Association’s national championship in Lancaster, Pennsylvania in April. UC’s team is comprised mainly of students from the College of Arts and Science, with more than two-thirds of the nationals team enrolled in an A&S major. The UC Mock Trial Team had the unique opportunity of competing with all-female team with co-captains Divya Kumar and Zophia Pittman-Jones leading. Kumar, who has been on the team since her first year at UC, is a third-year history major. She was awarded an All-American Attorney Award at Nationals.