5129 Results

Global Technical Workforce course: Nine years, 11 study tours

May 11, 2023

This spring's Global Technical Workforce course in the University of Cincinnati's College of Engineering and Applied Science offered students in technical fields a chance to work virtually with a class of French students and travel to France or Ghana to build career "soft skills" that complement their technical skills.


UC engineer makes an impact with nanomaterials

May 31, 2023

University of Cincinnati doctoral student Vamsi Krishna Reddy Kondapalli has studied nanomaterials, specifically graphene, since he was an undergraduate student at a university in India. He chose UC for his graduate degrees due to the state-of-the-art facilities and the support for innovation. Kondapalli was named Graduate Student Engineer of the Month from UC's College of Engineering and Applied Science.


UC engineering co-op medalist is company's first in Portugal

April 12, 2023

Vladimir Miskovic began playing American football as a high-schooler— which was not a popular activity in his home country of Serbia — and the sport led him to the United States. He moved to Cleveland to play football and, after graduating high school, decided to pursue higher education in mechanical engineering at the University of Cincinnati. Miskovic received the 2023 Herman Schneider Medal, an annual award given to a graduating senior in the College of Engineering and Applied Science who demonstrates exceptional work as a co-op student.


Graduating engineer named Mr. Bearcat

April 27, 2023

For nearly a century, honorary fraternity Sigma Sigma has honored one University of Cincinnati graduating man each year with the title of Mr. Bearcat. This award is given to an individual who has displayed commitment to the university through academic success, leadership in diverse settings and significant contributions to UC.


UC’s $10.6 billion impact

May 9, 2023

The University of Cincinnati delivers a significant economic boost to the region and state of Ohio thanks to alumni impact, operations and research spending, student demand for goods and services, launch of startup companies and more.