9016 Results

Advancing multiple sclerosis treatment

January 20, 2022

University of Cincinnati researcher physicians are hosting the BEAT-MS trial which will study the effectiveness of stem cell transplant compared to the currently best available treatments for multiple sclerosis.


Breaking down cancer’s defenses

November 19, 2021

University of Cincinnati College of Pharmacy researchers have engineered a probiotic bacteria designed to break down cancer cell walls to allow therapies easier access to shrink tumors.


A new approach to close the gap in lung cancer care

November 29, 2021

University of Cincinnati's Dr. Robert Van Haren recently published new research that shows lung cancer surgery outcomes between former and current smokers are similar enough that smoking should not be a barrier to offering surgery.


Personalized treatments for blood and bone cancer

September 30, 2021

University of Cincinnati researchers have joined a nationwide clinical trial exploring the effectiveness of personalized treatments for patients with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), a cancer of the blood and bone marrow.